Chapter Two: The Lost Boys

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"'Yes', said cunning Peter, "but we are rather lonely'."

-J.M. Barrie's "Peter Pan"

Chapter Two: The Lost Boys

It did not take a very long time for the boat to reach shore. Wendy was cold, and she was still shaken after the awful meeting with the mermaid. She was relieved when she saw the smoke from a campfire poking through the trees. 

Felix and the boy steered the boat as close to the beach as they could, then stopped. The boys helped Wendy out of the boat and walked her to the treeline on the beach. Felix instructed the boy to go back to camp, and without hesitation he listened. 

"I am going to blindfold you now," Then said, then tied a piece of fabric around Wendy's head. Felix spun her around a few times.

"Is this necessary?" Wendy questioned.

"Why, yes Wendy Darling. Pan's policy." Felix laughed. Wendy guessed that it actually wasn't Pan's policy, whoever 'Pan' was, but she remained quiet. Felix grabbed her arm with such force that she was almost knocked over. Felix helped her get her balance, then dragged her in the direction to their destination.

They walked for about two miles, and then Wendy heard a beautiful piece of music playing from not very far away. It got louder and louder, and soon she heard the sound of boys laughing and dancing. 

"We're here, Wendy Darling." Felix said as he pulled off Wendy's blind fold. She saw a group of young boys dancing around a campfire. The camp was in a very small clearing in the woods, with blankets, pots, and various other items scattered around. The oldest boy there was probably seventeen, and the youngest around ten. 

"What are you waiting for?" Felix asked, "Join in!" Felix turned and left. Wendy didn't know wherehe was going, but she didn't really care. Wendy took Felix's advice and started to dance along with the lost boys. She was having fun, and forgot all about her experience with the mermaid. 

Wendy noticed the younger boy from the boat sitting against a tree. He had a frown on his face, and he widdled a piece of wood with a knife. He was not having any fun. In fact, he seemed really sad. Wendy walked over to him and sat on the ground. 

"Why aren't you dancing? It's awfully fun." The boy looked up from the piece of wood for a moment and looked Wendy straight in the eye. 

"Because I don't want to. I want to go home." The boy replied.

"Well, then go home. Just ask the shadow and-"

"You don't get it do you?" The boy spat back at her with a fierceness in his voice. "No one leaves unless Pan lets them. Pan won't let us go." Wendy looked back at the boys, who seemed to not mind being trapped at all, if they even were. 

"But, they are having an amazing time," Wendy pointed out.

"That's because they were lost before Pan came for them," the boy looked towards the group of boys as they danced. "They were abandoned, broken, forgotten, abused," he paused, "Alone. Pan took them in and he takes care of them. They are his Lost Boys." He looked back at Wendy. "I thought at one time I was like them, but then I wanted to go back. I can't."

"I'm sure there is a way, if you just believe." Wendy tried to comfort him. She reached out her hand and touched his shoulder. The boy shrugged her off and stood up. 

"I'm done believing." He said, then tossed the knife and stick to the ground. He took one last look at Wendy, then left her as he walked into the forest. 

"Don't listen to him. He is just having a bad day." A voice said behind Wendy. She quickly turned around and stood up. In front of her was a teenage boy a smirk on his face. "Who might you be?" He asked as he confidently walked towards her.

"I'm Wendy," Wendy answered. "Wendy Darling." Wendy felt as if she was being tested somehow, but she didn't know why. "Who are you?" The boy smiled and laughed for a moment before he answered.

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

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