Chapter Eleven: Caught

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"They're grownups. They can't see anything that's not right in front of them."

~Wendy Darling, "Once Upon A Time" 2x21

Chapter Eleven: Caught

Wendy woke up the next morning to Michael jumping on her bed. 

"Wendy!" He yelled. Wendy sighed and rubbed her eyes. 

"Yes, Michael?" She asked. Wendy sat up and stretched out her arms. 

"It's almost time for breakfast." Michael exclaimed, then he leaned in and got close to her face. "Did you go to Nebberland?" He whispered. Michael was a curious little boy, and was alwayz asking questions. 

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Wendy giggled, "It's NeVerland." Michael made an angry expression, to which Wendy smiled and got close to his face. "Yes I did!" She whispered back to him.  

Wendy hopped out of bed and started brushing her hair. Michael followed her. 

"What did you do in Nebberland?" Michael asked, then gasped as an idea popped into his head. "Did you fight pirates?" His eyes widened.

"No silly," Wendy laughed. "I fought mermaids. Now go downstairs and tell mum I'll be down in a moment." Michael nodded and ran out of the room, trailing his bear behind him. 

Wendy quickly finished getting ready, then snuck over to the secret door in the wall. She knocked quietly, and Baelfire opened it. 

"Morning." He yawned. In the time he had spent with Wendy, he had finally found out how he felt about her. He loved her, but not in a romantic fashion. He loved her like a sister, and he was so grateful for all that she had done for him. 

"Good morning, Baelfire." Wendy replied and smiled. Like Baelfire, Wendy knew where he feelings lie. Baelfire was like a younger brother to her. She cared about him, and felt protective of him. "Hungry?" She asked. Baelfire nodded. "I'll be right back." Wendy closed the door and rushed downstairs. 

"Whoa, there, young lady." Wendy's father grabbed Wendy's arm as she darted into the dining room. "Slow down or you'll fall." He chuckled. Wendy smiled and laughed along, as if everything was perfectly normal.

"Oh! I forgot something!" Wendy said, then turned and ran out of the dining room. Her father looked at her, puzzled. He noticed that Wendy had been acting strange for the past few days. Something was wrong, and he was determined to find out. 

Mr. Darling walked over to Mrs. Darling, who was already seated at the table with John and MIchael. He beant down and whispered into Mrs. Darling's ear. "May I speak with you for a moment, Dear?" If Mrs. Darling had any concern that something was wrong, she didn't show it. 

"Of course." She said, and followed Mr. Darling out of the room. Mr. Darling closed the grand doors to the dining room softly, then turned to Mrs. Darling. 

"What is it, Dear?" She asked, noticing the concern on Mr. Darling's face. 

"It's Wendy," he said, "I'm worried about her. Have you noticed anything peculiar?" Mrs. Darling shook her head. Then, they heard knocking coming from the nursery. Acting as one, Wendy's parents strode up the stairs.


"I brought as much as I could." Wendy said, handing over the bread to Baelfire. Bae took a bite out of the bread, and looked up at Wendy.

"And your parents don't suspect it?" Bae asked. Wendy rolled her eyes.

"They're grownups. They can't see anything that's not in front of them." Wendy answered.

"We can't can we?" Mr. Darling's voice boomed through the room, and Wendy shot up. Her heart pounded in her ears. 

"Please, Father, let me explain." She began. Baelfire emerged from the hiding place and stood beside Wendy. What was to happen to him? Mr. Darling turned to him.

"How long have you been hiding in my house?" He asked.

"Only a few weeks, Father. He was hungry in the streets!" Wendy interjected. She couldn't let anything happen to Bae. He was like her family now. 

"I was talking to him." Mr. Darling said back. He crossed his arms and looked sternly at Baelfire. "Where is your family?"

"My mother died." Bae answered quickly. That part was true. "My father," Bae began, but wasn't sure how to word it. He couldn't admit that his father was the dark one; magic didn't exist in this land. He couldn't say that his father abandoned him; while that was true, Mr. Darling might make him find his father. "He's dead too." Bae finally said. Mr. Darling looked at Mrs. Darling.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'll leave, Sir." Bae said, and walked to the door. Mrs. Darling stepped in front of him. 

"You're not going anywhere." She said in a soothing voice. "The streets are no place for a boy."

"Please! Don't send me to the work houses." Baelfire said. The only thing that was worse than being out on the streets again was being forced to work in a factory until he died of starvation.

"I'll do nothing of the sort." Mrs. Darling assured him. Wendy looked relieved, but didn't say a word. "You'll stay. Right here." She continued. Baelfire smiled.

"What?" Mr. Darling said, astonished at his wife's words. They couldn't let a street rat live in their home with their proper children. 

"Welcome to our home." Mrs. Darling said, and grabbed Bae's hands. She looked into his eyes with the compassion that only a mother could show. Baelfire looked back at Wendy, and she smiled at him. They would be siblings. Baelfire had a home. 

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