Chapter Five:The Darlings

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"Peter: 'Discipline. That's what Fathers believe in.'"

~Peter Pan, 2003

Chapter Five: The Darlings

Wendy Darling crept back into the house and silently closed the window shut. She locked it tightly, then glanced out to see if anyone saw her.

"Wendy Darling, just what do you think you are doing?" Wendy sighed and turned to face her father. He was a tall and balding man, with a grey handlebar mustache. He was a banker, and a rather wealthy one too. His job kept the Darlings in a good economic standing, but did not overtake his life. To be honest, Wendy wondered why her mother married someone like him. They were polar opposites.

Mrs. Darling was a kind and gentle woman, with poise and grace. She was the epitome of a proper English woman of the time. Mr. Darling also handled himself with poise and grace, but was much more grouchy. Children would call him "a grumpy old man", but he wasn't very old at all. He was just stressed, which caused his hair to go grey a bit early.

Wendy was terrified of her father when he was angry. "I was just," Wendy paused quickly and thought of an excuse, "going for a walk. It's a beautiful day outside. Don't you think?" Wendy turned to the window and smiled. 

"A beautiful day? We didn't know where-" Mr. Darling was cut off by Mrs. Darling, who gently touched his shoulder. 

"Yes, dear, it is a lovely day. Just tell us the next time you wish to go for a morning stroll," Mrs. Darling calmed Mr. Darling down, then smiled at Wendy. "Breakfast will be ready in a half an hour. Wendy, darling, please go wake the boys."

Wendy smiled then walked back up to the nursery to wake Jon and Michael. 

"John! Michael!" Wendy yelled, loud enough to wake them up; but not loud enough for her parents to hear anything. 

"Wendy, I'm tired..." Michael groaned. John grunted in agreement. Wendy crossed her arms and then waited. 

"WENDY!" John and Michael shouted in unison, and Michael leaped out of bed. He ran over and hugged Wendy's leg. "You're okay." Michael said. 

"Shh," Wendy shushed them. "Be quiet or I won't tell you anything." The boys silenced, and Wendy walked over and sat on the window sill. She pulled Michael on to her lap and John sat on the floor.

"It all started after the shadow took me to Neverland." She began.

"Neverland? I haven't read about that in geography." John said.

"No, you haven't. It's a magical land, where there are no adults, and children never grow up."

"How exciting!" John replied.

"Yes! It is wonderful! You see though, there was this mermaid..." Wendy continued the story as John and Michael hung on to every word. Their eyes opened in wonder at the tales of the Lost Boys and flying. Wendy finally finished, "And he promised to come back tonight."

"Tonight? Might I come?" Little Michael asked.

"No, Michael. It's much too dangerous, and you can't swim." Wendy replied, and Michael nodded. He wanted to go, but was afraid of swimming. He was only four after all.

John didn't want to go to Neverland. It sounded much to dangerous and impractical of a place. No grownups? Preposterous! How was there order? Rule? Any sort of control? To John, this Peter Pan character didn't seem right or truthful. He kept his doubts silent though; he didn't want to crush Wendy's spirit. He hadn't seen her this happy before. Something about her smile was different, but he couldn't put his finger on it. John shrugged it off and ignored his uneasiness. He was only nine after all.


Meanwhile, in the Darling's kitchen, Mrs.Darling flips a pancake into the air. Sunday was the only day that she cooked. It was lovely. Mr. Darling walked in, with a confused look on his face. He was holding an empty platter.

"Honey, where did our bread go?" Mrs. Darling looked up at him, and they both thought the same thing. 



Wendy Darling had gone about her day as she normally did. At night, she brushed her teeth, changed into her favorite nightgown, and brushed out her hair. This night though, one thing was different. Instead of going to her bed, she laid on the window sill. 

She waited for the shadow to come as she gripped the thimble in her hand. It would come. Soon enough, midnight came. Wendy heard the bell at Big Ben ring out to all of London. 

Maybe she had dreamt it all. Maybe she was crazy. Wendy began to doubt whether or not the shadow would arrive at all. 

Her eyes closed, and Wendy Darling fell asleep, still awaiting her return to the magical world of Neverland. 

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