Author's Note

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Hey guys!

So, I did my best to not include any author's notes in between chapters to keep a "book feel" to my story. I decided to include a big one at the end to answer any questions you may be having. 

First off, I'd like to answer the question most of you are probably asking:

Is there going to be a sequel?

Yes! I'm very excited to do my first sequel. It's going to be a crossover, and I've hinted at the crossover I believe twice in this book so you can probably figure it out without much difficulty. It will probably be much shorter than this one, but it will continue the story of my version of John, Michael, and Wendy. 

When will it come out?

I'm not sure. Soon, hopefully. School starts next month so that might get in the way but I'll work hard to get it out ASAP. 

So, is Pan going to be in it?

Yes and no.


You'll see. 

So in this book, why was your version of Pan so bipolar?

Well, I wanted to keep him as much like the evil version in OUAT, but that didn't work out that well. That's probably because I also wanted to show a side of him that reflected Disney and J.M. Barrie's original Peter Pan. Thus came the jumbled bipolar mess that was the Pan you read about. I ended up liking him, though. 

Please explain [enter plot hole found here].

If you found any plot holes, I'm sorry. The thing is, I didn't know how I was going to end this until about half way through. I didn't even have plans for a sequel. Oops.

So do you know how the next one is going to end then?

Yes. I just don't know how to get there quite yet. I'm kind of working backwards with this one. 

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me. 

Thank you guys so much for the support and love I've gotten for writing this. It literally means the world to me. As of writing this author's note, I have over three thousand reads which is absolutely insane. I never expected to get 100 reads, let alone 3K. I hope you guys continue on with me and read the sequel. You guys are the best. Peace out, and never grow up. 

Love always, 

The Musicality Girl

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