How dare you!?

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Julie Pov~
I woke up the next day at seven in the morning, I'm such a morning person. I just got a headstart on my morning and went and took my shower. As I was in the shower I kept thinking about Mr. Christian Oneal. Hes so cute and sweet, I just can't help but smile when I think of.
I have never dated a white boy before but I wouldn't mind trying it, I don't discriminate I love them all. I wonder if he's ever dated out of his race and how it went for him. I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard Sarah knocking on the door asking if I'm almost finished. I turned the shower off grabbed my towel and walked out of the bathroom. "Hey Julie do you want to go to the Cafè for breakfast?"
"Yea, I could go for a Blueberry muffin right now."
"ok just let me shower then we can go"

With that I went to go get dressed, I put on a over sized shirt, some leggings and UGG boots. I just put my hair in a high pony tail because I didn't feel like dealing with this long mess today because it needed to get done.
Minutes after Sarah came out of her room basically wearing the same thing as me but leggings and Toms.
"alright lets go"

Once we got to the cafè we ordered our food then sat down at a booth in the back. I was eating my muffin when Sarah spoke "So who's this boy you've been talking about"  once she asked me that I was all smiles, I swallowed my food and started talking about him.
"Ok his name is Christian Oneal, he's 18 and new to this area." He's from New Jersey and he likes to play Soccer"
As I was telling Sarah about Christian I heard the bell shake indicating that someone has came into the coffe shop. I looked at who it was and smiled.
"Speaking of the devil" I said as I saw Christian walk in the Cafè with another boy with him.

Christian Pov~
Jordan and I were sitting in our dorm playing GTA5 when we decided that we should go get something to eat.
"Aye Chris how about we go hit up the Cafè?"
"Yea lets do that, I'm in the mood for a turkey and cheese sub"
  I was already in basketball shorts a shirt and slides so I just left that on. We paused the game got the keys then left the room.
  While Jordan and I were walking to the Café I stared telling him about Julie, I was still telling him about Julie when we walked in to the Café. I was at the cash register when I saw Julie out of my peripheral vision. I tapped Jordan and we started walking twords the table she was sitting at with another girl.

    Julie POV ~
"Here comes Christian he's on his way over here now" I told Sarah as Christian and I'm assuming his roommate started walking twords.  "Is he the black one? he's cute"  she asked me "no he's the  other one
  "hey Julie this is my roommate Jordan" Christian said to me as he approached our table. "Hey Jordan this is my roommate Sarah" after everyone greeted each other I offered them a seat at our table.

  Christian and I were in our own little world talking when Sarah just got up from the table and stormed out of the cafe. "What's her problem?" Jordan asked me as she left the store.
"I don't know but I should go find out, it was nice meeting you Jordan I'll see y'all later"
With that I got up from the table and headed back home to go see what's wrong with Sarah. "Sarah, Sarah where are you?" I called out once I unlocked the door and got into the dorm. I went on her side of the room and saw that she was in laying in her bed with the blankets covering her face. I took the blanket off of her face and sat on her bed. "Why does he like you? why didn't he want me?. I'm pretty, my hair is real and I'm white!"
I stayed quiet for a second because I had to let what she just said to me sink in. After I sat there and thought about it I got and angry. "Bitch what?" I asked her standing up from her bed.
"Nigga you heard me, why don't you go date you're own mind kind a black boy. Hell Jordan is single." she replied back.  Once she said that I slapped her, my mother told me to never let anyone disrespect me and that's exactly what she did, disrespect me. She stood there holding her cheack in disbelief as I continued to yell at her. "How dare you say something like that to me?" I questioned she just sat there looking at. I gathered my side bag , phone and keys then left the room making sure to slam the door in the process.

Sarah Pov~
I sat there holding my face that still stung from Julie slapping me. I know Christian Oneal' when she was telling me about him I was hopeing she wasn't talking about the one that I used to like but once he showed up to the Café that confirmed it all. Seeing Julie flirt with my old crush at the Café was hard thing to watch. The worst part is that he doesn't even remember me and we went to the same school for seven years straight. e's actually the reason why I choose to come to King University because I heard he was going here .

I can't believe she slapped me yes I did say some out of line stuff but Christian Oneal is and will always be mine, this is not over.

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