Chapter 2

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My eyes shot open as I was awakened to water being thrown in my face, Jade sat over me looking me in the face with tear stained eyes, I jumped up and hugged her I’d never been so happy to see her in my life.

I thought you were dead; I breathed heavily holding her face in my hands.

Yeah me too till I woke up in here with you, she shrugged but I could clearly see the relief in her face no matter how much she tried to play it off cool. I looked around the room, it was dark and damp water dripped from somewhere within and something undefinable skirted across the floor. As time went by I started to feel more and more hungry, losing strength but I refused to give out, Jade on the other hand began to look wary, to pass time by we began reminiscing about High School.

You remember back in 9th grade Thomas Elise had the huge crush on you, he followed you around everywhere, Jade commented.

Yeah kind of sort of, I believed he had a crush on you also, I stated

Yeah, but only after you didn’t give a damn about him, everyone liked you, she commented harshly

I could hear it in her voice but I was too weak to care, if we made it out alive it would no doubt be put behind us. Time continued on for us, I lost count of how many days it had been, if they wanted to kill us, they sure were taking there sweet ass time, I told myself to not given in, to them we were like cattle, horses waiting to be broken in before the real training could begin. More time passed and when I thought I was done for the doors unbolted and shot open, in walked a man; he looked at me sitting in the corner then looked at Jade sprawled out on the floor he pointed towards her and a man walked in scoped her drained body up like a lifeless doll and started to take her away, I refused to let it happen, I jumped to my feet staggering and ran towards the man I grabbed Jades hand and pulled it hard making her eyes jerk open, she began to scream, I was pulling her arms when the other man grabbed me from behind and slammed me into the wall, knocking the wind from my lunges, my vision started to blur in and out but I had to hang on, before I knew it someone was on top of me pushing me down, I kicked and swung with what strength I had left in my body but it did not affect, what I was hitting felt like brick to me.

You’re a fighter huh, this will be fun, the master loves Fighters, he grabbed me back up by my arms, I kicked and flung and screamed as I was carried out the room and down numerous corridors. He finally slammed me into a room on the floor shutting me up instantly, I looked into his red eyes and flashes from the days before came back, me being mad at jade seemed so small now that we were about to die.

Make her pretty, the master will like her, he said, before stalking out the room.

Two women emerged out the shadows, and the lights in the room cut on to me it looked like a dressing room back stage, the entire room walls were mirrors, there was a dressing rack, a make-up station and a giant tub in the middle of the room, the women walked towards me slowly, they had terrified, distressed looks on their face, I looked around frantically and when I finally caught my reflection I was stunned at myself, I looked paler then my usual color, lack of sun, my eyes were wild bright and green, my hair was dirty, mangled, and covered in mud and what seemed to be blood probably from, Jade’s injuries spilling over me. I calmed down and stood up.

Should we get this over with, I asked. Their faces seemed to lighten up and stepped towards me happily, the first person to take me was the shorter one, she had dirty blonde hair and slant blue eyes, she was the one to wax me, clip my nails, and anything else she felt needed to be done to me. the next step was a bath, scented vanilla petals were in the tube, they washed me with the vanilla bath wash and washed the dirt from my hair, they towel dried me, blew dried my hair and sat me down for hair and make-up, they bickered amongst each other before settling on some black eye lines to line my eyes in a Egyptian like manor, grey eye shadow, and soft pink lip gloss. They painted red, the same color as my hair, they curled my hair to give it a wavy look and let it fall down and flow glossy sleek and clean. Then everyone stepped back as if to admire their work. Then who seemed to be the head lady stepped into view, they all moved away and bowed their heads. The woman ordered to me stand up, she circled me like a lion and its prey, when satisfied she walked away and came back with a simple delicate white dress, it was a small strapless dress, with gold lining at the top, it was simply beautiful to say the least I liked it, and before I could contain myself a smile emerged from myself, I looked at the woman and hurried to erase the smile from my face. She looked away then held the dress up, she helped me into it then came back in with some simple sandal heels. She walked to the door, turned around and with a unsteady look on her face she held out her hand to me, if I were going to be stuck here I wanted at least one friend so, taking one last look around and at my reflection, I took her hand and we left out, walking down endless hallways taking twists and turns I was rather confused, then we got to what must have been the biggest set of double doors, she looked at me and I looked at her, she started to say something when a man stepped out the shadows and grabbed her back.

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