Chapter 6

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The next morning I opened my eyes to the blinding sun that shun through the window, I sat up and looked around then I noticed the foot at the end of my bed lay Nick, sleeping so peacefully, he looked so pale and beautiful in the light, he looked young and fragile in his sleep. I crept out the bed as slowly as I could careful not to wake him, and on the stand there was a note folded up very delicately.

‘Natasha sorry I had to leave so unexpectedly, I was really hoping to spend some real time with you, but I hope you enjoy your peace there while im gone things should die down, ill return in 3 days. See you soon – CB’

I sat the note back down and got up to get in the shower; I let the towel fall off me and stepped in, the events from the day before plagued me, I wrapped my arms around myself to keep from  shaking, but it didn’t do much help, her fragile body lay there in a pool of blood that spurred around her like laying in a blanket of red rose petals, the red stained her porcelain skin in a disturbing manner, like red lipstick on the pale faced dead, which is now exactly what she was, I could only think of Nick in this and how he was coping, he might as well have thrown her from the balcony himself, but she did betray him first so I can only side with him in this matter, I turned the water off and wringed my hair out, I stepped out the shower and hit my foot, and went crashing down to the floor, I lay there for a while, it’s been a while since I actually hit the ground,  there has always been some one there to catch me lately. I sat up off the ground, my ankle let out a throbbing pain, and I scooted over towards the counter and pulled down a towel to wrap around me. I took further observation of my ankle; it was red and pulsing pain, unfortunately. I tried to stand up but it shot an immense amount of pain through my ankle, my foot and straight to my leg, I screamed and slid back down to the ground, before I could intake another breath, there he was.

Are you ok, Nick Asked?

Yes im fine.

What happened?

I tripped getting out the shower; he let out a suppressed laugh

You’re awfully clumsy Natasha.

Yes I know but I was lost in thought in my defense.

He smiled and picked me up off the floor careful not to touch the towel for it might disrobe me, he sat me down on the counter and disappeared from my sights, I looked around frantically when he suddenly popped back up in my face like magic, I jumped so hard I hit my head on the wall, he laughed and started wiping my ankle with cold water, he dropped the towel on the floor and carried me out and sat me down on the bed, he put my foot in his lap and sat an ice bag on it.

Ouch, I winced

I know it hurts now, but the funny thing about being cold is it makes you immune to the pains in life, he said, his face cold and calculating.

That’s funny I was taught that no matter what or who you are no one is immune to the trials and tribulations of life, and all the pain and joy it comes with, I looked at him with a side glance his face looked…warm.

What makes you think that, he smiled?

Were all gods’ creatures whether we like it or not, it’s just up to us on whether we let the devil in, I said

That’s funny...I never pegged you for a religious person, he said

Oh im not, im the last person to believe in religion, I remarked

And why is that, he asked

I have my reasons.

Well you should relax, sit back, we don’t have to talk if you don’t want to, he said

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