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The next day Jungkook was excited and nervous all at once. He's never been in a relationship before, but then again he wasn't sure he was in a relationship. Sure he kissed Taehyung but that didn't actually mean they were dating.

Thinking about this so much made his head hurt. He felt like he was taking a test, he was so confused. Small hands on his face pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Jungkooook," Ella whined, smashing his face with her hands. "You're not listening to meeee."

He poked her tummy so she could move her hands. "You're only four, why can you talk so much?"

"Tae says I learned fast like a parrot."

Jungkook didn't question it then he had an idea. "Hey Ella, did you brother say anything about me?"

She crunched up her nose then nodded excitedly. "Yeah all the time." Jungkook smiled brightly, waiting for her to continue. "But, he told me it's a secret."

His face fell slightly but he wasn't going to give up that easily. He pouted, hoping to soften her up. "Please Ella, tell me what your brother said."

Ella twirled around in her blue dress giggling. He puffed up her cheeks and held up her pinky finger. "Okay, but only one." She sat on his lap and leaned over to press her cuffed hands to his ear. "I heard him telling my other brother that he likes yooou." She spoke before hopping off his lap and running to Hoseok.

Jungkook wasn't sure how he felt about this news, but then again what did he expect from a four-year-old? He spent the rest of his time helping kids blow their nose and stacking building blocks before it was time for lunch.

By now, the kids were asleep so the boys slipped out of the room and went to the cafeteria. They sat at their usual table but Jungkook wasn't really hungry.

"Everything alright?" Jimin asked, with a worried expression.

Jungkook nodded, not really wanting to talk about what was bothering him. He wasn't sure where to start actually. He didn't want his friends to laugh at him or think differently because he liked a boy.

Jimin nodded sadly before turning to talk to Hoseok.

Jungkooks eyes scanned the cafeteria, hoping to land on the blonde boy that was currently in his mind.

"Looking for someone?"

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