[S] Y O U N G~YoonKook

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dedicated to KaysKpop

request: Yoonkook fluff

story: Yoongi is quiet and Jungkook isn't shy

warning: lots of blushing/strong language

words: 1,265

"You shouldn't smoke."

Yoongi looked up at the quiet voice, throat drying at the sight. There was a boy standing over his seated body, midnight reflections glistened off his wet lips.

The boy was dressed in all black much like himself, hands stuffed in his pocket to shield them from the cool air. Beanie was pulled over his blonde hair in a neat but messy way, leaving his curls to cover his eyes.

The man inhaled one last time before putting out the thing and pushing it through the bars of the banister. His cheeks turned pink as the stranger sat down beside him, shoulders touching.

"I like your hair." The stranger slides his heavy hand through Yoongi's teal hair pausing to press a lingering kiss on his temple. He was bold for sure, no one got this close to the older without some menacing glance in their direction, most likely scaring them away.

The stranger (he should stop calling him that, he knew it was Jungkook) let his arm fall over Yoong's shoulders, pulling him closer. "You thought I wouldn't notice didn't you?"

Yoongi scoffed at that, pulling his eyes away from the rips in Jungkook's jeans. He could feel Jungkook about to pour out some shit about him being beautiful and 'I could sense you from a mile away."

"You're so gorgeous I knew the moment you were gone. I could feel the energy within you when you felt down. Why'd you leave?" He was referring to the party still in full swing behind the closed doors of the patio.

"Minghao," Was all that left his chapped lips. His voice was a light whisper that blew with the wind, but Jungkook heard him.

He leaned down to kiss his cheek then the corner of his lips. "What was it this time? Bragging about colleges, his new boyfriend, outfit choices-" He stopped feeling Yoongi's shoulders tense. "Don't listen to him, he's stupid as fuck for leaving you. You're fucking perfect and none of that shit he says could ever-"

"Thanks." He stood holding out a hand for Jungkook to take. They made their way through the party hand and hand. Jungkook didn't say anything on their way to his dorm and Yoongi was grateful.

The memories of Minghao cornering him just to spit unhealthy words in his directing was slowly fading from his memory. The only thing remained was the thought of bathing with his boyfriend and eating cold noodles.

Jungkook liked to surprise his boyfriend no matter how much the lather hated it. He concluded himself to be a good boyfriend no matter how much Yoongi went against such statement.

Said good boyfriend was currently in the kitchen on a Saturday morning cooking breakfast. Having just got up, he was dressed in sweatpants and nothing else. He threw a jacket over himself to cover up some part if his naked top half. He didn't bother zipping it up.

He hummed quietly as he cut mango's into hearts and arranged eggs as a smiley face. He had all the time in the world to prepare this meal, Yoongi could sleep all day if he wanted to, but Jungkook was getting hungry looking at his accomplishments.

Just as he poured the orange juice into the couple mugs (his idea) a groan could be heard from the hall. It didn't take long for the shorter man to show his face, eyes scanning over Jungkooks naked chest. "Put some damn clothes on."

"Good morning angel, how was your sleep?"

Yoongi made a noise between a growl and a groan but the small lift of his lips told Jungkook he appreciated the concern. He rubbed his eyes before attempting to take a seat across from his boyfriend.

However, Jungkook wasn't letting sleepy, soft Yoongi's walk past him. His fingers latched onto the sweater the older was wearing and he pulled until Yoongi was between his legs. A small pout was on his lips but Jungkook knew he was too tired to protest.

He cupped his face with his hands and pressed kisses all over his face. The older man was not having as much fun as giggling Jungkook. His cold hands came in contact with the others naked stomach and he tickled away.

Jungkook gasped in surprise moving away to pull his jacket close. "Why!? I was being nice to you." He stuck out his tongue making Yoongi roll his eyes.

"Kiss me for real."

The younger smiled leaning down from his seat to press a lingering kiss on Yoongi's chapped lips. He pulled away slightly to kiss his cheek. "Eat baby."

Yoongi enjoyed his meal from the warmness of Jungkooks lap. The younger would kiss his shoulder or ear every now and then. He was used to Jungkook being disgustingly sweet but even this was strange. "What did you do?" He starred at the empty plate in front of him as he spoke.

He was turned around until his legs were either side of his boyfriend. He tilted his head down so it forehead warmed against Jungkooks neck. "I did nothing. This was half a normal breakfast and half an apology for yesterday."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows at that. "Why are you apologizing for that?"

"It's my fault for taking you to that party in the first place. We should have stayed home and invited Minseok over for Monopoly." There was a hint of regret in his voice that didn't belong there.

"You didn't do anything wrong, I'm sure if you knew he was gonna be there then you would have never asked me to go."

"Hell yeah, I wouldn't have! I felt like shit after we left."

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore," Yoongi admitted, the nice dream he had was disappearing and he didn't want that memory to return.

"Fair." Junkook lifted Yoongi slightly so he could balance him on one leg. "I love you."

The older nodded, feeling butterflies in his stomach. "I'm sorry."

Jungkook leaned over to pinch his cheeks. "I know you can't say it yet, you don't have to apologize every time. I could live my whole life without you saying it back. But, don't make me wait that long." He smiled at the end, kissing Yoongi's exposed neck.

Sometimes Yoongi wasn't sure how he attracted someone like Jungkook. He was glad he did but something inside of him wouldn't let him express his feelings. The 'I like you' rolled off his tongue easily but the commitment behind the love was scary.

He wasn't ready.

"We should shower. Then we can watch those creepy movies you like." He moved to sit up but Yoongi stopped him with a hand on his chest.

"I like you, a lot." He cheeks turning red so much he felt like his face was gonna melt.

"I like you too." He cupped his cheeks and kissed his nose. "One day you'll say 'I love you' and one day you'll let me see what's under these track pants." He winked.

Yoongi's eyes widened as he moved off his giggling boyfriend. "Nevermind what I said before, I don't like you."

Contrary to his words his smile was wide.

The End.

this was fluff but it felt like nothing happened, kayla sue

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