~ R U N N I N G ~

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Welcome to my story guys! I know most people probably won't read this, but I just really wanted to start writing where people can actually see what I'm doing, not just my school. So, enjoy!

Jack's POV

The autumn forest was beautiful, almost beyond beauty itself. Crunchy, golden leaves, scattered across the twig-covered floor. The oak-coloured pieces of bark lying motionless around the trunks of trees.

A faint breeze flows through the forest, causing orange leaves to slowly disconnect from the cold branches, slowly floating down like a feather, until it hits the floor.

The cold, almost toxic air is sharp, practically intoxicated with the smell of old bark. Some trees are slightly bent over from the occasional strong storm, leaning on the tree next to it.

Pieces of weak bark are slowly peeling from the trees themselves, leaving the nature with a messy appearance.

Early robins tweet, sat amongst the branches and crumpled up leaves. They bounce around excitedly, flapping their little wings and shifting the leaves around, making quiet crunching sounds.

I always enjoyed the Autumn forest in the evening. It was always an easy escape, and it was just an amazing place in itself. I never really understood beauty until I found this place. It was like my second home, my special one. I needed to come here today to escape school. Every single day I get called so many names.





I've even been told to go and slit my wrists and die before. And it was slowly destroying me inside. No one was there to protect me; my parents were on the other side of the country, I had my friends, and no one wanted to be my friend. No one at school even talked to me. I was just that one emo kid with no loved ones to protect him. Worthless, I know.

I slowly exited the beauty of a forest, feeling the crunch of occasional leaves under my feet as I walked down the familiar pavement. I walked past the park, hearing people screaming 'you're worthless' at me, and throwing rocks at me. I payed no attention, picking up my pace, almost running back home. Tears stung at my eyes, threatening to fall. I wiped them away as I came up to my drive, running inside and slamming the door shut. I locked it, ran upstairs into the bathroom, shut that door, then collapsed onto the floor in tears. I need it to stop, but it won't.

It'll never stop, and no one will be there to save me.

~ S A V E  M E ~ A Sad Septiplier Story ~Where stories live. Discover now