~ U N E X P E C T E D ~

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Jack's POV

I woke up by the lockers, the world outside of the school dark and silent. The front doors were locked shut by a huge padlock, and the windows were slightly ajar. My eyes ever so slowly fluttered open, and pain shot through my head, arm and legs almost immediately. I winced, slowly managing to sit up. I noticed I was hid behind most of the lockers, so barely anyone could see me unless you stood at the right angle.

I whimpered, feeling my dead arm and leg. My leg felt like it was being stabbed repeatedly near the ankle, and my wrists were sore; the cuts on them had split open when I hit the floor, leaving me to bleed out. No wonder I felt light headed.

I groaned quietly, slowly crawling out from behind the lockers, wincing quietly. I collapsed once I manged to get out from behind the lockers, my breath being taken in short, swift breaths. I ever so shakily manged to get onto my feet, yet not being able to put pressure on my right leg. I whined, grabbing onto the handle next to the door, and slowly guiding myself out.

I eventually managed to hop out the school doors, pain still shooting through my legs and arms. I didn't even notice I was crying until I felt the cold tear drip down my hot cheeks. I wiped it away with my sleeve, sniffling. I managed to stumble all the way back to my house, taking a good 30 minutes. I'm so glad my parents were off in America, otherwise I would've suffered the consequences.

I managed to stumble up the stairs, tears now beginning to fall more rapidly than before. All this walking was starting to make my legs ache, and I was sure my bones were broken in my ankle. Perhaps I deserved it though. I deserved all the pain I could get. Otherwise I wouldn't be getting it. I choked out a sob, crawling into the bathroom like before and grabbing the razor blade. I didn't hesitate to drag it across my knees (due to wearing ripped jeans), thighs, and arms. I even cut lightly at one of my wrists, shaking and crying due to the pain.

I froze, completely still for a moment. There was a knock at the front door.

I ignored it for a while, before I heard a voice. A familiar one.

@ (<- sorry)  "JACK! You in there?" A voice called, cheerfully. Tears fell down my cheeks like mad. It was Mark, my old school friend. We were separated in high school, because I had to move back to Ireland due to family issues. I slowly got to my feet, making my way downstairs. The pain in my leg was excruciating, but I ignored it, slightly. It still made me wince.

I fumbled with the door, ever so slowly opening it, blood still running down my arms and legs. Mark's face suddenly drops, as he drops all his things and grabs my arm.

"What happened?! Jack, oh my god, have you done this?" Mark said in a hasty manner, noticing that I was struggling to stand. I sniffled a little, beginning to shake and cry a little harder. He gently took my hand, lifting me up in his arms and carrying me to the kitchen. He searched all my cupboards, finally finding some bandages. He grabbed a few tissues, wetting them with cold water, and he cleaned up all the blood. He quickly apologized when I winced. I shrugged it off, as he slowly wrapped my arms and legs up with bandages, and taped them down. I let out a sigh of relief, still shaking slightly.

"Now, are you going to tell me what's going on? Please?" Mark sighed, grabbing one of my hands and looking me in the eyes. I got lost in those chocolate brown eyes for a moment, before I coughed quietly. I shrugged, looking down at my feet. He grabbed my chin, making me look at him.

"Cmon, I came all the way over here just to visit you. You can at least cut me some slack and tell your old friend what's going on. Maybe he can help." Mark smiled softly, massaging my cheek. I knew he was just doing all this to be friendly, but he was really making me blush a little. I shrugged.

'I-I... I-I d-don't wa-want to uhm.. t-talk a-about it.. r-right now..' I choked out, pulling my beanie over my eyes to hide them. My ugly, cold eyes. Mark frowned, pulling the beanie up to glare me straight in the eye.

"Alright, you don't have to. But you can tell me tomorrow, or later, alright?" He muttered. I nodded, sliding down the counter and into his arms. I wrapped my arms around him, and hugged him. He gladly hugged back.

"By the way, do you have a guest room?" Mark chuckled. I smiled a little, shaking my head.

'N-No, a-and if y-you used m-my moms room t-t-then... w-well, l-let's not g-go into that b-but um... y-you c-can sleep in m-my room o-or um, on t-the couch.' I stuttered out. Mark chuckled.

"I'll take your room if you don't mind. I don't wanna be lonely. Now, since I'm here, do I get a 'Hello Mark!' or do I just sit here hanging?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes, hugging him tighter and stuffing my face in his shoulder.

'H-Hello Mark. I-It's so good t-to see you a-again.' I sniffed, smiling. I could feel him smiling too, as he lifted me up, and placed us both on the couch. He turned the TV on, and we watched Anime for the rest of the night.

I fell asleep, my head landing on Mark's shoulder. I heard him mutter something, before it all went black.

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