~ M O R N I N G ~

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guess who's back do do, do do do do

i'm really about to update an edgy septiplier fic from like 3 years ago but you know what you guys seem to want it and i'm alive again so i'll do it for y'all. please try to breathe i know it's been a while


Jack found that waking up directly in front of Mark's face was absolutely the best way to wake up. Even if he felt like his entire body was actually trying to break itself as soon as he inhaled, just Mark's general presence sent endorphins to his head.

Ah, sweet, domestic bliss.

There was a pause, for a moment. He had to question why 'domestic bliss' was the first thing to pop up in his head. To his knowledge, they weren't actually a 'thing' yet, and probably should not be a 'thing' yet considering all that had happened was a spur-of-the-moment kiss and an "I love you", though it was probably something they should just have a nice conversation about first.

But, still. Ahhh, sweet, domestic bliss.

He took his time in the early morning silence, allowing his eyes to trail over the elder's face. He could already begin to notice the stubble; Mark had clearly not shaved within the past 3 weeks he'd been here. It wasn't an issue, and rather, Sean tended to find it comfortable, though it tickled when he'd woken up with said stubble scratching his forehead. It only made his nose scrunch up, though, and he reminded himself to get used to it, because he had a feeling he'd be waking up like this a lot more in the next few months.

He smiled, squeezing Mark's leg between his own. The red haired huffed a little in surprise, but his eyes fluttered open, still blurry and dazed from being abruptly woken from his sleep.

Jack just raised his hands up innocently, and Mark flashed him an amused smile, rolling his eyes in amusement. He let out a hefty yawn, before bringing his arms back down to rest on Jack's waist, tilting his head as they both stared at each other, quiet.

Sean, surprisingly, was the first one to speak.

"Top of t'a mornin' ta ye."

Mark snorted, before bursting out into laughter. Jack scrunched his nose up again, but this time out of happiness, glad he got to hear the other laugh even this early in the morning. Once glance over to the time told him it was nearing half 8 in the morning, and however much he would've actually rather died than wake up at half 8 in the morning, he had a feeling Mark was going to drag him out either way. The guy had a weird obsession for pancakes.

Maybe he was secretly Canadian?

"Good morning to you too, leprechaun." Mark commented, and Sean flicked his nose in retaliation, ignoring the other's mutter of fake pain. The red haired rubbed at the end of his nose to emphasise, before moving to sit up against the headboard. Jack groaned in annoyance, not even bothering to try and sit up that straight. "Did you sleep well?"

"Well enough." Jack said shortly back, thinking back to a dream he couldn't actually remember. "Dreamt of sum'tin, can't remember for the life of me what about."

"Probably me." Mark said, narcissism literally dripping out of his voice. Sean fake cringed as the other flexed his muscles. "Who wouldn't want to dream about this sexy face?"

"Literally everyone."

The red haired gawked in mock offence, before Jack quite literally rolled himself off the bed, landing onto some pillows with a groan. He didn't even have any idea how these pillows got down here, but he uttered a silent thanks to the Gods for not torturing him. Aka, for not making him land on the rather solid wood that the actual wood was made of.

Mark just watched him, slightly stunned for a moment, before just shaking his head.

"Very clever." He commented, moving to stand up next to the.... uh, sushi roll on the floor. "That doesn't look particularly comfortable." 

"It isn't." Jack said shortly, before squealing as two arms yanked him up into the air. That was rather unexpected, but he clung onto Mark for dear life, his brain going absolutely fucking haywire at the fact that /oh my God, Mark is literally holding me like a fucking bride right now, sweet Jesus lord/.

He pretended he wasn't having an aneurism, and instead allowed himself to be tossed onto the living room couch, his bones protesting quite audibly. Mark didn't even flinch at the loud crack his back created, quite happily leading himself into the kitchen.

"Pancakes for breakfast, love?"


"Yeah, sure, whatever. I'm starving." He just about managed to say, masking the embarrassment coming from his throat.


"Anything, Mark."

"Even white coffee?"

"Get the fuck out of my house."

Mark burst into laughter, and Sean just smiled, basking in the moment. Perhaps today would be a good day- for once, huh?


wc; 811

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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