~ C O N F E S S I O N S ~

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oh me oh my this chapter is gonna be cUTE AND FLUFFY BE PROUD [still angsty tho don't think that's gonna go away]

Also can you guys PLEASE go read femininetyler 's Collar Full. It's sAD BUT IT'S GOOD. Anyway, on with le chapter.

Jack's POV

His lips were soft against mine, seemingly finding a way to move them in perfect sync, pulling me up ever so gently with his hands on the back of my neck, heavy breathing coming through his nose. He tasted of strawberries and tea (quite nice actually) from what I could tell from his lips.

My heart was racing at 50 peats per SECOND, at least. Well, it felt like it. And it was hitting my chest like a baseball bat, thumping hard against the skin.

His warm hands were attached to the back of my neck, softly tracing circles with his thumb, making me shiver. The kiss seemed to last forever, him softly massaging my shoulders once he pulled away.

"I-I uh-" He stuttered, awkwardly looking around. I chuckled deeply, taking his hand and pushing my glasses up a bit.

'That was lovely, thank you. Am I safe to say I love you?' I smiled softly, and he smiled back, locking eyes with me and giving me a soft, passionate peck on the lips, before pulling back and rubbing the back of my hand.

"Of course you are Jack, and I love you too. And don't ever think I won't; I've been waiting so long to finally tell you. I honestly thought you were gonna push me away, I didn't even know you swang this way." He chuckled, squeezing my hand gently. I giggled with him, nodding slowly.

'It's exactly why I've been single for 26 years, haha. I've never really expressed myself as gay, because I don't really want to be hated.' I said softly. 'I'm quite aware of the homophobes in this world, and I'm not ready to deal with them.' I continued, leaning back into the bed. Mark sighed, kissing my knuckles slowly.

"That's fine, we don't have to come out immediately. I know it'd be a lot of stress for you." He said kindly, smiling at me.

'Thank yo-' A doctor suddenly came into the room with a bunch of papers, writing something down on some of them. Mark's hand slid out of mine, his eyes lighting up as he was obviously able to see what the papers were. I couldn't see, because sitting up was just too much effort. I know, I'm lazy.

'Sorry for interrupting anything. I'm here to give you, Jack, your disconnection papers. You should have healed just fine, hopefully. If anything is wrong, come back to us and we'll try and fix it right away.' The doctor smiled, passing Mark the papers. He signed them for me (me still being ever so slightly disabled in my fingers still) and then he passed them back to the doctor. He nodded, then lead me and Mark out the room (me in Mark's arms, obviously) and to the front door.

'We hope your life goes well! Contact us if you need anything, and enjoy the rest of your day!' The doctor beamed as we walked out the door, and eventually up to my house. It took about an hour, but we got to enjoy the lovely scenery of the barren trees, crunchy leaves on the pavement, and the cold breeze. It was quite enjoyable, I shall admit.

Mark unlocked my door once we got there, opening it then plopping me down on the sofa. I giggled as he closed the door, then sat down next to me.

Then it hit me, how long did Mark have left here in Ireland?

'Mark, how much longer can you stay here?' I said softly. He smiled.

"Well, I booked to stay here for 6 months. So.. 5 months and 1 week." He giggled, wrapping one arm around me and turning the TV on. I smiled a bit more, resting my head on his shoulder and getting comfortable. I put my hand on his chest, sighing quietly, and facing the TV.

We ended up falling asleep in eachothers arms, happy and together. I wondered though, before I slept.

What were we? Boyfriends? Friends with benefits? He never really asked me out, so...

Ah, well that doesn't matter right now. I'll wait till it's morning to ask questions.

And with that, I closed my eyes, and fell asleep, the sound of the TV slowly draining out of my point of hearing.


Aaaa it's short but I can't really continue this chapter, since the next one is probs gonna be kinda long to be honest, since it'll be fLUFFO!!!!!!!!

I'll calm down now, lmao.

Anyway, how have you little potatoes been? I've never really asked you that.

Other than that, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I know I quite like it. It's cute (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

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