~ I N T E R R U P T E D ~

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Jack's POV

I heard the door lock being jambled with, and I froze. Completely, and utterly still. I barely even breathed. Mark raised an eyebrow at me, before he heard the door being opened.

"Is someone there?" Mark said casually. I heard footsteps, then a middle aged looking couple walked in. Their faces contorted to complete and utter shock and horror. They grabbed me, yanked me off of Mark's lap, and began to hit me, a lot. They didn't even care that Mark had stood up and tried to yank my parents away.

They gave me 3 punches; one to the nose, making it bleed heavily. One to the left eye, so I could barely see, and one to the stomach, so I could barely breath, and I almost threw up on the spot. They began raking me with their nails, scratching at my face and arms. They slammed me into the floor, a horrific crack coming from my hip. I let out a quiet yelp, before I heard shouting and the pain from them suddenly stopped. I did still feel the pain all over my body, but I could tell I wasn't being hit anymore.

All I could hear was heavy breathing, and my heart beat pumping wildly in my ears, like bells. I whined, curling up into a ball, watching as a pool of blood formed under my head. I felt light tapping on my shoulder, before I was picked up in someones arms. I groaned quietly, before I watched the world around me go blurry and dark.

Mark's POV (finally)

I picked Jack up, my heart thumping against my chest. I ignored the world around me, racing out the door with my phone to my ear. I'd called both the hospital and the police, and they were to arrive soon. I flailed around a little when I heard the sirens going off in the distance.

I was still holding Jack in my arms when the vehicles pulled up. I quickly ran up to the ambulance, the paramedics taking him off me while the police went inside to check out the the place. I was still shaking, when I was asked to get in the back of the ambulance. I nodded hastily, crawling in the back and sitting next to Jack, trembling.

Please be ok.


Jack's POV (lol I know I'm sorry.)

I woke up in a cold room, pain throbbing in my nose, eye and hip. I groaned, shifting around a little, but the movement made me wince. I heard quiet snoring, and a hand was gripping mine. I muttered things under my breath, my eyes fluttering open. I was greeted with a harsh light, and a ceiling. I glanced around, squinting.

My eyes went wide when I noticed Mark was next to me. I began to shake a little, squeezing his hand in an attempt to wake him up. He stirred a little, so I began to shake his wrist a bit.

"Hm?" He opened his eyes, looking down at me. "OHMYGOD YOU'RE AWAKE OHMYLORD." He suddenly wrapped his arms around me, smiling like an idiot. I tensed up for a moment, before I hugged him back. It was slightly unexpected, but I didn't care.

"You've been asleep for two days. I was so worried." He whined, hugging me a bit harder. I felt a little shocked, but he pulled away and held both my hands. I gave him a look which just said 'really?' and he nodded. My eyes widened, as I looked around. It didn't feel like I'd been asleep for two days. Heck, it barely felt like I'd been asleep for an hour. I ever so slowly sat up, wincing at the pain in my hips.

'How long will it be till I'm allowed out?' I croaked. Mark glanced down at me, thinking for a moment.

@ (<-- Ffs I can't get rid of these sorry)

"The doctor said it'll be about a week or so before they manage to get you all fixed up. They've notified your family that you're in hospital right now, but none of them seemed to care." Mark sighed, squeezing my hand gently again. My shoulders dropped. I already knew they weren't gonna come.

'Well. Looks like we'll be here for a while then.' I muttered.

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