~ P R E S S U R E ~

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Jack's POV

I sighed, resting my head back on the pillow. My stomach rumbled softly, and I winced. Even that hurt, since it slightly vibrated my hip bone. I glanced up at Mark, and he looked at me confused.


"What's wrong?" He asked softly. I glanced down at my stomach, shifting around uncomfortably. My stomach rumbled again, and I winced a little more.

'I'm hungry, and my stomach keeps rumbling. But it's vibrating my hip and it KILLS.' I hissed through clenched teeth, staring at the ceiling in pain. Mark nodded, squeezing my hand lightly to get my attention.


"I can go and get you some food if you want. There's a cafeteria downstairs." He suggested, shrugging. I thought about it for a moment, but I didn't want to be left alone...

'Can I come with you? I don't want you to leave me...' I said shyly, slightly retracting into my clothes like a turtle. He chuckled a little, smiling. I awkwardly tried to cover my face with my shirt, looking around, avoiding eye contact.

"I can try... do your hips hurt when you sit on your knees?" He muttered. I tried, and it didn't hurt too much, so I shook my head. I lay back down after though, because I wasn't too strong at the moment.

I squeaked when I felt arms wrap under my legs and back, and I was lifted off the bed. I blushed lightly, mentally slapping myself for doing so, and cuddling into Mark's chest. He smiled softly, standing up and walking out the room.

"Right, so what do you want when we get down there? I think they have sandwiches and stuff." He shrugged softly, careful not to hurt me. It gave me butterflies, but I tried to mentally push them away. Harder than it sounds.

'A-Anything will do me.' I chuckled nervously, seriously wanting to slap myself for stuttering, but I stopped myself, somehow. I awkwardly shuffled in Mark's grip, sighing. He glanced down at me, raising an eyebrow.

@ (<- . . .)

"What?" He said calmly.

'W-Wha? O-OH! Nothing, n-nothing.' I laughed quietly, looking down at my hands, feeling the blush on my cheeks. For hecks sake.

"I can tell it's something, cuz you're blushing, you know." He smirked a little, walking down the stairs. I coughed awkwardly, looking down.

'I-I'll tell you w-when we've got food..' I muttered. 'A-And when we're alone, ok?'

He rolled his eyes playfully, walking into the cafeteria. Some of the nurses smiled at us, some of them winking at Mark. I blushed even more, trying to hide it under my hood. This is not the attention I wanted.

Mark eventually made his way up to the cashier, asking her for his favorite sandwich, and mine too. I smiled softly, trying to make it as innocent as possible, the blush not making it easy. It felt like my entire face was on fire.

I finally felt Mark move, and something cold drop in my hands. I opened my left eye from under my hood, and glared at what it was. It was just a sandwich, so I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't want to know what it could've been otherwise. I muttered incoherent things under my breath, feeling us walking back up the stairs again, and the talking from civilization slowly fading out.

It wasn't long until I felt the arms underneath me leave, and be replaced by something much more comfy. Even though, Mark's arms were really comfortable...

Anyway, I sighed, sitting up and taking my hood off my eyes. I shuffled up to the headboard of the bed, leaning against it and bringing the sandwich up to my mouth. I took a bite out of it, not really tasting much. I shrugged, eventually finishing it and coughing weakly.

@ (< i will slap a bitch)

"Anyway, what was the thing you wanted to tell me?" Mark muttered, smirking slightly. I could practically feel his gaze on the side of my head. I blinked slowly, refusing to make eye contact.

'E-Erm... it was nothing, I-I was just uh.. kidding.. hah..' I chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck uncomfortably. I could already feel the soft rash curling against my forehead. (Incase you didn't know, Jack can't sweat, so he get's rashes instead.)

"Jack, I'm waiting for an answer. What did you want to tell me." Mark said sternly, making me shudder lightly. I didn't like being put under pressure, not at all. I turned over, so I was fully facing away from Mark.

'I said, i-it's nothing. I don't wanna t-t.. talk about it.' I muttered, barely audible. The peer pressure had turned into tears, and they stung at my eyes gently. I did my best to blink them away, and I breathed shallowly, trying to hide my sniffling.

Mark was ever so quick to notice.

He gently lifted me up into his lap, and wiped away my teary eyes.

Then it happened.

It actually happened.

And I'll never forget it.




(P.S. Yes I did leave you on a cliffhanger ;^)

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