Like Father, Like Son

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Oh, guys, I'm so ashamed! I can't even begin to explain how terribly sorry I am that... that I turned my back on you like this and... oh, dear, the worst of all is that I've had this chapter ready for its publication for months and life just hasn't allowed me to come near fanfiction. I actually feel like I'm missing a part of me because I haven't been able to keep in touch with you like I would have wanted (like I crave for). I have almost stopped writing because of school and that is frustrating because fanfiction is very relaxing for me and it's something I'm very passionate about.

I'll tell you what, in August of this year I started High school, which of course means less time for me to write, but that's not al of it. I also signed-in for karate, dancing, writing and composing, Japanese and Latin lessons. This is the truth behind my late updates and my disappearance.

To be honest, all those extra classes really drain me, apart from leaving me nearly to no time for writing. This is why I had to step back a little from my passion, which is writing. I've missed publishing a story on a weekly basis, and most of all, I miss you guys, but right now I can't do more. Although, don't worry, I wouldn't be able to stop doing this, even if I tried (which of course, I'm not doing). None of my stories will be abandoned and neither will be my account. Updates will only become slower, for which I'm truly sorry.

On happier news, the holidays are finally here, and that means I shall be here more. I promise (this time, I do promise), chapter 10 will be here next week.

For now... I really hope you enjoy this little something!

Like Father, Like Son

If Alexander had something to say about what he'd learned during the years he'd spent living with Magnus Bane, that was the sureness that nothing, nothing was too weird when it came to the cat-eyed warlock.

For a start, he had only recently rediscovered the fun in using mundane artifacts for daily chores —which was mainly his fault, for he had forbidden Magnus to use magic when it came to common stuff with the sole goal of teaching Max that no matter how useful his special powers were, they didn't solve everything—, and now Magnus found mundane inventions incredibly hilarious.

As a foot note, Alexander had also learned that it wasn't a good idea to leave Magnus in charge of the kitchen, as he seemed to have a remarkable problem distinguishing salt from sugar, and that was for someone who had lived more than four hundred years. Which explained why he took care of the kitchen while Magnus watched over Max.

There was, as well, the slight possibility that if he left Magnus alone in the house when he came back home all the furniture —and sometimes even the paintings of the wall—, had been changed.

What he did not expect, though, was to come home and find everything upside down, higgledy-piggledy and things that he didn't even know they kept in the apartment scattered around.

Unlike what a normal person would have done upon opening the door to their house and finding such a scene, he didn't panic and he didn't worry—he plainly rolled his eyes and followed his road to the kitchen to storage the groceries he'd just bought in perfect calmness.

This was just one of Magnus' eccentricities, he decided, and not a crime scene. The door hadn't been forced and neither had been the windows. He didn't doubt, though, that Magnus was capable of summoning a whole closet of bizarre items only to spend the afternoon.

What he was not expecting, though, was the loud, piercing noise that broke the silence, something that sounded midway a beaten cat and the noise Alexander thought a building crashing after an earthquake would make. The only thing that could —and in fact, made— his concern worse was the fact that it had come right from Max's room.

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