Not a Complaint, But a Statement

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And... here I am again. I'd said you'd get a chapter for each week I had of vacations, so here we are. This, sadly, is the last chapter of this small special, but I hope at least I gave you a run for your money.

Now, I am once again feeling I'm unfair with one of the characters because, despite the fact that I mention Lily, Maia and Catarina all the time, I've only ever written chapters with Lily and Cat, and what makes it worse—Lily got her chapter and all, but this is Cat's second chapter and... I have nothing planned for Maia... I feel terrible. If you have any ideas, please feel free to tell me so I can make up to her.

With nothing more to say... I hope you enjoy this little something!

Not a Complaint, But a Statement

The Lightwood-Bane household was crowded more often than not, and admitting that aloud was not a complaint, but a mere statement.

Although, truth to tell, it had been Magnus and Alec on their own accord the ones that had ensured a full house for themselves, with Alec still inviting Maia and Lily over, even when they now had an office at the Institute, all fixed-up for them, and with Magnus not minding when they did so either.

However, that did not mean that everything for the Lightwood-Bane couple had to be about work. Oh, no, far from that, when their apartment became cramped in true, it was when their friends —their family—came over. They didn't need a reason to get to together—the simple fact that they enjoyed spending time with each other was enough.

This was one of those days: Catarina —Cat, for short— was going to spend the afternoon with them. It wasn't a special day or anything, though it was as good a day as any other to share their time with the female warlock.

Catarina, a long-known friend of Magnus had been welcomed into the family along Lily, Maia, Rafael and Max. Their children called all three of the downworlder girls "aunts" and Magnus couldn't think of anything cutter.

They didn't know for sure when or how it had started. Perhaps it was that Max saw Isabelle and Clary in the exact same way in which he saw the downworlder ladies —he had reasons to do so, since they were at the apartment as much as the shadowhunter girls were, and Alexander and him had always treated them as family— and thus he had never understood there was a difference between them.

Rafael, surely enough, was merely imitating his brother, like he did on many other matters. None of the girls had minded, either, which was a bonus.

Not until then, at least.

Perhaps Magnus should have noticed something was off as soon as he opened the door, but he had barely said "Hi, Cat, how was your d–" before the boys —seven and five nor, respectively— pushed him aside, fighting to get their aunt's attention.

"Aunt Cat, aunt Cat, guess what? I finally summoned a butterfly yesterday!"

"Aunt Cat, Dad said I could start training with a real bow next week!"

"Aunt Cat, I—"

"Boys" Magnus cut them off, noticing for the first time the sad glow in his friend's eyes and the tiredness her posture gave away. "Let the woman breathe."

"But we were just—"

"I have an idea" Catarina said, forcing a small smile. Sure enough, she was many things, but she wasn't about to let those children down only because she felt weary. "Why don't you tell me all about it while we eat supper? You can both sit by my side, one at the right and the other one at the left, how does that sound?"

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