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---2ND Y/N POV---
  You got bored with just strolling around town and pick pocketing. While walking around, your eyes move to a colorful flyer.

                5 DAYS
                  CAN YOU WIN?"

"Hmm...", You think to yourself if you should go in or not
    "Ill do it", You take the flyer and walk back to your 'home', or wherever you kept your stuff at the time.
3 more days until the Hunter Exam
You pick out one of your 3 outfits that you own and go to bed.

   *time skip to morning*

You wake up and find squirrels digging through your food.
    "Dammit, not again" You shoo them and they quickly scurry away. You get up and crack your back and knuckles.
--- 1ST POV --- (i kinda changed it throughout)
    You get up and walk to the boat thats supposed to take us to the hunter exam. So it takes about 2 days for the boat to reach there. You brought some snacks, and a change of clothes. You get on the boat and look for a comfy corner to read a book or something.

     People stare at you. You assume its because of what you're wearing. Oversized black sweatshirt and normal jeans with your hoodie over my hair and eyes. You can still  see them but they cant really see my eyes. You look at a corner and you find a tall man in a navy blue suit and tie. You stand over him and find him asleep, you shrug and look at the other corner of the room and find a young boy, almost you're age with white marshmallow-like hair. He looks at you with his royal blue eyes. He also reminded you of a cat. You walk away and see another hammock you can lay on. There are rooms on the boat but we're not allowed to go into them until 6 pm, which is 4 hours from now.

You take out your book and start reading, you're not exactly sure what you're reading, you just found it laying around and took it because it seemed like no one wanted it.
---Time skip: 2 Hours---
   You feel someone reaching into your pocket. You attempt to punch them and get up. By the time you're up, there was no one. You look right and left to see if theres anyone suspicious. 
    Ugh, i fell asleep You thought to yourself.
You got up and went to the bathroom to fix my hood and you remember a wanted flyer
Oh my god, i could be rich if i took a picture of that cat boy.
You hurry out and see the cat boy on the hammock asleep.
This is my chance
   You pull out my phone and discreetly take a picture. He doesnt seem like he noticed-
The microphone screeches piercingly all throughout the room.

"You may now go to your rooms, i will say your room numbers now....(imagine her saying people).., Y/N and Killua, Room 30....."

You freeze and think about who she  just called. Killua. Killua Zoldyck. The infamous assassin. Theres an excited feeling in me.

The first thought that came to mind wasnt the best of thoughts. No not perverted more like you kinda want to fight him, or maybe befriend him?. Then you realized.... Hes apart of  the Zoldyck family, theres no way that would happ- unless..

    Your thoughts get interrupted by people shoving you out the door. You go to your room and find Killua laying on of the beds with chocorobos around the the bed and him reading a boo- the book you was reading.

      You check my bag to see if he stole it and he did... 
       "Hey, thats my book" you say loudly
   "Yea and?" He looks up with his blue cat like eyes
   "You couldve just asked to borrow it" you said with your hands on your hips

  "Says the one who snuck a picture of me to get money" he strikes back

"Oh well, i can still get money with that" You lay down on your bed and read a different book you brought with me about history or something. Assassin history, how ironic. The Zoldyck family is in this book, and you see Killua's grandpa, dad, mom, 2 sisters, and 2 brothers. Wait, in the book it says he has 4 brothers but 2 of them are obviously girls.... 'Ill ask him about it if we end up talking later' like his grandpa and dad are crazy strong, that kind of terrifies you since hmm maybe he could kill you easily if you were possibly his target one day, or anyone from the Zoldyck family. The history book doesnt have any of their pictures but i have one of Killua. You smirk to yourself and check your phone but the picture's gone. It deleted itself. How? You reopen the history book because you remember something about a tech wiz or something and there it is. Milluki Zoldyck, a computer tech wiz. He might've deleted it off my phone but Killua might've did it while i wasn't paying attention but he has been reading ever since i got here.....
-- 5 Hours Pass --
You did nothing in the room. There is nothing to do. Its currently 11 pm and you get tired.  You fall asleep.

//Hey, ive started a new story because i felt like i should have one fantasy and one school life (update: i deleted the school life one because i didnt really like it) so yea, updates may be slow because i have a wedding to go to and exams are this week. After exams im gonna be going to California. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

-Discontinued-Untamed Assassin  HxH Fanfic Killua x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now