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You wake up from Killua jabbing his finger in your stomach to wake you up. Your hoodie is kinda off but not enough for him to confirm whether or not you're a girl or boy.

"What the hell do you want?" You say annoyingly.

"Are you a girl or a boy?" He asks bluntly

'Did he seriously wake me up to ask that kind of question' You look very irritated since you've been awaken from my sleep by a boy you don't even know properly. "...."' How the hell are you supposed to answer that without sounding rude "Why don't you find out later in the exam?" You say but then immediately regret because it sounds... weird.

"Hmmph! Just take your hoodie off! im curious." He shuts his eyes and puffs

'Is this really how a professional assassin acts like?' You look at him weirdly-

"Woah there buddy, you cant touch the hood" You say in a normal voice, not too high not too low, just enough for him to stay confused

"Oh yea?" He smirks and raises an eyebrow.

He dives and reaches for your hood but you quickly move to the side, but you look up to see that he jumped to get an aerial attack. You swiftly slide off your bed and stand up.

"Who even are you?" He looks at me curiously and you could've sworn he turned into a cat-human for a second, but no hes still human.

"Why do you need to know?" You raise an eyebrow "Who even are you?" You flip the question to him and stand firm to show that i could possibly be a boy. "Heh..." You laugh at him because he looks like his brain just got fried.

"Let's see..." He starts checking me out and you instantly look down and blush.

"What the hell are you doing?" You mumble loud enough for him to hear you.

"So you are a girl!" He laughs while still slowly looking up and down at me

"Thats just your assumptio-" The boat starts violently moving and swaying, we both wobble but you catch your balance a bit faster than Killua did.

"... Are the Sea Gods angry i figured out your gender?" He smirks and sits at the side of his bed.

"Again, thats your assumption, i never admitted that i am a girl." You say in a smart-ass kinda tone.

    He shrugs and just gives up. 'Gives. Up. What kind of assassin just gives u- okay no i think my expectations are too high for this kid, i mean he looks like he's what, 12?' 

    "Im really bored, what do you wanna do?" He asks

    "Oh! I know, lets u-" You get cut up by the speaker. 'Why do i always get cut off'

      The speaker screeches but you and Killua both don't flinch.

     "Dinner will be ready in approximately  5 minutes, please go to the dining hall and take your seats, and your food will be sent to you."

    "Ugh, we have to get out to eat?" You drag out my words because you hate getting up when you're comfortable.

   "I dont wanna get up eitherr" He also drags out his words.

   Your eyes move to the phone for room service and such and you get an idea.

  "What if we just... Ask them to bring it here instead?" You say cleverly

  "Yea good idea, but what if th-" This time, you cut him off .

   "Lets just try" You pick up the phone, press the room service button, and wait until they answer.

   "Hello! Room Service, what may i help you with?" The woman on the other line basically screams enthusiastically.

  " Uhh.. Uhm uh..." 'Of course.. I have to freeze up now of all times.'

Killua grabs s the phone from your hand and talks for you.
  "Yea, can we have our dinner in our room?" The words flow out of his mouth so easily while you just look so confused as to how he knows exactly what to ask.

10 minutes pass and someone knocks on the door. "Hi! Your food is ready!" She comes in and sets our food on the table.

"Thank you!" I match her enthusiasm and lock the door behind her.

Killua's eyes glow when he sees the food "mmm, looks goodletseatnow" He quickly says as he runs up to the food.

I sit in front of him and see him picking off the bell peppers from his plate.

"Why're picking them off your plate? Theyre good for you." You half-scold him

"These things? Good for you? They taste gross!" He points to the bell peppers with his fork

"Hmm okay" You roll your eyes and eat a little.

He finishes his plate meanwhile you became full by only eating 1/3 of the plate.

"Are you already done?" He looks at you weirdly.

"Yea? Do you want the rest of mine?" You push your plate toward him and get up to wash your hands. You pass by him and he grabs your wrist.

"Yes? Do you need something?" You look back.

"You need to eat more. Look how small your wrists are" He tightens his grip a little and you slightly blush.

"I ate a really big breakfast and i was born with small wrists" You lie. You were always a good liar, especially when it came to this because your last boyfriend said the same thing.

"Mmm....." He slowly hums and looks worried, then it goes quiet.

"Would you let go of me?" You say with a little bit of attitude.

"O-oh uh.. Sorry" He lets go and you go wash your hands.

    "The local time is 10:55 pm, please do not walk around the boat from 12 am to 5 am. Thank you."

   "Im going to bed" You say loud enough for Killua to hear. You weren't actually going to bed, you just weren't in the mood of talking to Killua after he was talking about  your eating habits.

  "Okay, me too" He says in a low voice. What if he's mad too.... Well that would suck wouldn't it?

// so i saw that some of you were adding my story to your reading lists and it motivated me to keep writing. It took me 3 or 4 days to write this because i honestly don't know what to write. Hope you liked it and if there's anything with my writing that doesn't satisfy you, the please comment about it. Thanks!

-Discontinued-Untamed Assassin  HxH Fanfic Killua x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now