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- [Y/n]'s POV-
Im awoken by 2 excited boys. Killua and Gon have been talking all night, i assume they were playing cards or something but God knows what they were doing. It's honesty too early to be alive right now. It's currently 7 am. Today is the last day on this goddamn boat, ship or whatever.

"Rise and shine." Killua says sarcastically. He's obviously hiding his excitement or something. I can see Gon from the corner of my eye. He's trying to discreetly laugh but it's not working. Ah what'd they do...

"We made breakfast." Gon says nicely. I see a plate of these little 1-bread sandwiches and a plate with an omelette. I was slightly confused and it was clearly displayed on my [beautiful~~] face.

"It's because you made us dinner yesterday" Killua admits. It kinda makes me feel good since they liked it. I was never an expert at cooking. Actually quite the opposite, i used to always burn whatever i cooked, add too much flavor, too little. So many trial and errors until i got the hang of it.

"Something smells suspicious...." I say with a playful smile. "Hmm i guess ill taste that" I try a bite of the crunchy bread topped with what looked like avocado, peanut butter and.... Ketchup?? I was immediately hit with disgust and confusion.

The ketchup.... Was Sriracha sauce. I run to the trash can and spit it out. I turn the faucet on and rinse my mouth.

"Aww you dont like what we made? That hurts" Killua said sarcastically. Gon bursts out laughing.

"Gomen [y/n]" Gon apologized and handed me a glass of water. I glare at him jokingly and take the glass.

"Well, the boat is gonna reach the shore in 30 minutes. What do you guys wanna do?" Killua said.





I look at Gon and Killua. " How about we serve these to the people on the boat?" I say.

"I like the way you think." Killua stated.

"So do i."

"Noo that's so mean!!" Gon whined. No matter what he said, me and killua were gonna do it.

"You can stay here for 30 minutes then." I throw the keys to him and he catches it.

"So i'm gonna be aloneee?" Gon pouts

"If you come, you wont be alone. You can watch TV if you want" I point to the remote. Killua grabs the tray of those gross biscotti-avocado-whatever things.

'Where'd they even find these ingredients??' I couldnt think of any place. Me and Killua left the room and went to go serve these deliciously wonderful nutritious snacks.

- Third Person POV -

"Anyone hungry for some biscotti with some delicious toppings??" You yell out. Some people look interested but they also look like they're questioning what's on it.

"It may not look good but it tastes good." Killua said in a monotone voice. They don't seem interesting enough to try some. Aw this is no fun~.

You nudge Killua. "Eat one." You whisper to him.

"What Why?!" He whispers a little louder than you did.

"Just do it." You assure him. Killua eats one of those disgusting things. He chews a little and runs to spit it out. You burst out laughing.

"oh boy, you really fell for it. That was the most hilarious thing you've done since we've met." You tell him while he's still spitting out that very delicious snack.

"There's 15 minutes until we arrive and theres still this whole tray to pass out, what should we do?" You explain. Killua shrugs while wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

'Wow he looks kinda ho-' You interrupt your own thoughts by screaming.

"AhHhHhHh. Let's go back to Gon." You scream but then go quieter with each word.

'What the hell [y/n]? He's an assassin, theres no way i can fall for him, that'd just be... Weird' You thought to yourself.

   "Oookay?" Killua said in a weird way.

'Focus [y/n] you can't just slip up.'

Now there's 13 minutes til we arrive which means that theres 13 minutes til we actually start the hunter exam. These have been the longest three days of my life. We walk back to Gon and see him watching TV and sitting up like a kitten paying full attention to it's owner.

   "So there's about 10 minutes until the boat gets to shore. Im gonna start packing my stuff" You tell Gon and Killua.

  "Yea i should probably do that" Killua leaves the room to go pack his backpack.

  "Yup I'll go too. Cya later [y/n]!" Gon skips out of the room and shuts the door behind him. How could he be so... Ditzy? Anyway, you look for a change of clothes so you can take a quick shower. You didn't pack much. Just the essentials like toothbrush, toothpaste, a few changes of clothes, hairbrush.. You know the essentials. You turn the water on and look at yourself in the mirror.

   'How the hell did i think he looked hot? He's just a little boy. Even though i'm only a little older than him. Nah, it was probably just a one time thought. I doubt it'll happen again.' You tell yourself. You take a speedy shower and dress yourself, now there's around 3 minutes until the boat arrives. Which is just enough time to leave your room. You quickly brush your long (ik cringe. bit there's a reason why it's long) hair which takes some time but you did it as fast as you could. All your things are packed and it's time to

   You meet Gon and Killua on the deck and you three watch as the land gets closer and closer.

  Finally. After 3 long days... We're finally here.

// hello everyone. Please excusw my lateness, i realize that it literally takes me a month to update which is in fact, not a good habit. Ill try to rough myself up in updating more frequent because i'd like to please you guys. The readers. So until then , cya.

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