My Li'l Russel

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As I wake up,
    I smelled the petrichor,
         even from the highest point of castle.
I don't remember whom I'm waking for–
    then I saw the face of my li'l Russel.

    my li'l knight in rusty armor,
        fights all my demons
          and shadows
              and fears.
My li'l Russel fights with a li'l humor–
    his li'l laughter that only me can hear.

But comes the thunders
   and lightnings
        and blues
           that buried all my li'l Russel's travails.

I'm drowned
        and shackled in tenebrous hues
   Ah, I remembered–
       heroes are just tales.

I wreathed against this fate but comes the fall;
    I don't remember waking up at all.

Snowdrops of PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon