Part 10

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  Quinn Mars eyes narrowed as she surveyed the scene around her. Music blasted deafening from the speakers casually spaced out around the house. The sound seemed to energize the drunken teens, encouraging them to keep drinking and dancing.

  It had been two hours since she left her brother at Layla Martin's house and drove his car over to Justin's. She was thoroughly regretting even coming considering the fact that her three best friends had stuck around for all of three minutes before disappearing on a her.

  The brunette bit the rim of her red solo cup, bending the plastic as she watched her peer grind and grateful against each other. She was positioned on a love seat one that had been pushed out of the way in order for the party goers to dance in the middle of  the McQueen living room. It was her second drink which had no effect what so ever on her but somehow feeling tipsy.

  The budding confusion was building as her eyes drooped. Quinn fumbled as she settled her plastic cups on the arm rest and ran a hand through her brown tresses. Where the hell are they?

The amateur dancers began to blur dangerously before her causing her eyes to go wide blinking rapidly. She began to stand and as she did so unsuccessfully Quinn fell back down into her seat. Her body was sluggish out of control. That single thought alone had her beginning to panic.

  It was not the pleasurable confinement she had experienced that night, two days before the end of summer. There was nothing exciting or arousing like there had been when she was with Wyatt. No, her body was under the blondes intoxication that night, not this drowsy flailing state.

  Finally finding her feet, Quinn pushed up off the couch staggering into someone. She mumbled an apology of some sort her tongue heavy in her mouth. Her dark green eyes found a familiar face so she approached the young man. "Dean?"

  "Oh!" He grinned. Dean Whitehorse - star soccer player for the guys team, student body president and all around great guy. "Hey Thirteen. You alright?"

   Quinn steadied herself on his strong arm. "I... I'm looking for Le - Leah or...... or-

  "Justin or Drake?" At Quinn's large drunken nod he frowned worried lyrics. "I dunno where those two are Quinn. But I saw Leah head upstairs."

   "Th... Thanks."

  Without another word Quinn stumbled through the familiar house. She passed away lot of people she was friendly with yet gave no reply when they had spoken to her. The brunette was having a hard time thinking let alone speaking. Her footsteps were sluggish, kneeling as she made her way out into the hallway.

Her mission for that moment was making it to her destination - the bottom of the stairs - before she fell over. Upon her arrival her hand slapped the banister desperately seeking some balance support. Her hazy gaze fell on the darkened hallway at the top of the stairs and she suddenly wished that Justin could live in a one story home.

  Taking a deep breath Quinn willed her legs to carry her upstairs. With each step a haze of darkness engulfed her mind causing the loud music to become a mere drizzle the brunettes mind reeled as she tried to coherently think once again her thoughts jumbling. Where the hell are they?


  "God!" Sarah Cassidy complained. "Where the hell are those two. They left like tow hours ago."

  Wyatt rolled her eyes at her sister. "No, Sass they left fifteen minutes again. Cool your jets will yards sis." The blonde slouched back in the comfortable  cushion in depth of her friends mumbling under her breath.

  "God forbid to anyone trying to take a glass of wine from you." Maggie smiled sweetly holding out her half full glass of wine. That glass caused Sass to glare at her, considering it was the last remaining drops of alcohol in the entire household.

  "Don't tease her like that, Mags." Wyatt the only sober member of the front left. "She'll bite your head off."

  Sarah stood slapping her hands against her thighs as she did. "This is ridiculous. I'm a go get some...."

  "OJ." Maggie Walker supplied helpfully. The woman stood indicating for Sass to go out the living room door first before following after her.

  The blonde shook her head at the empty room. Layla had gone and put their three kids - Lance, Kayley and Maddie - to bed, Maggie and Sarah are not banging around in the kitchen and the two lovebirds had taken off to go buy some more wine.

  Suddenly an ear splitting tune went off somewhere around her. Frowning Wyatt glanced around her. Finding the source of the noise to be coming from the pocket of Jason Mars brown leather jacket. She made her way over raising an eyebrow as she realized for the first time that it was the same jacket Quinn ha Deen wearing when they first met.

  The ring of the cell phone had stopped by the time she pulled it out of the deep pockets, having had pulled a cigarette pack and lighter that she figured was her students. Just as she was slipping it back in the irritating tone rang again.

  The screen read : Lil' Sis.

  Wyatt bit her lip deliberating on whether or not she should answer it. It rang twice it could be important. Why would I care? She questioned herself. The kid probably got into some trouble. Former the way Jason described it, it wouldn't be the first time she had a little to much to drink.

  The continuous ring gave her a pause. Eventually she gave in and answered it bringing the newest smartphone to her ear. "Hello?" She answered almost tentively.

  "Hello?" Came a female voice. It was not Quinn's but it was female and familiar. "Hello? Jason?"

  "No." The blonde cleared her throat. "Sorry, Jason isn't here at the moment."

  Wyatt tilted her head as she heard the familiar string of curse words spilling from the speakers of the phone over the slight buzzing of music in the background. The voice, the swearing... she could recall a pretty redhead being knocked to the floor in gym class that spewed that kind of language.

  "Emm.. Leah?"

  The caller was hesitant. "Yes?"

"It's Wyatt Cassidy... coach Cassidy."

  "Oh.!" The young girls tone was relived the went on to confused. "Sorry coach but why do you have Jason Mars cell?"

  "Long story. But he isn't here she went other the shops with his girlfr-" relevance Cassidy she shook her head. "Is everything alright, miss Kahn?"

  "Whats? Oh! No." Leah'll voice suggested she was in full blown panic now that her confusion worn off. "It's Quinn,  coach. She's completely out of it."

  Wyatt sighed. Thought so. "She's drunk?:

  "No no no." The girl said quickly. "This is not drunk Quinn believe me I know exactly what that looks like. Plus she only had one drink when I was with her, it takes a hell of a lot more than that to put a dent in her coherence, trust me."


  "No!" Leah almost shouted. "I'm sorry." She said her voice quite right but still with edged with something. "It's just.... no. Quinn hasn't touched anything but prescription almost nine months. Trust me coach, she isn't under that kind of influence. I think... I think she may be drugged though."

  Nine months? Prescription? What the... "She was ruffied?"

  "I think so coach... she need to be picked up." Leah said. "She can't stand and has been in and out for awhile now... she can't just be left here not like this."

  Wyatt perched on the edge of the sofa chewing her bottom lip. Trouble yes. Quinn Mars your definitely in some trouble. "Like I said miss Kahn, Jason isn't here."

  There was silence complete utter silence. It put Wyatt on edge, her mind raced with thoughts that she couldn't wait to question. Abruptly she stood snatching the keys to her sisters cars from the glass coffee table and heading for the door. "Where are you? Tell me and I'll come pick her up."


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