Part 13

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  "Are you sure it's alright if you call in sick." Quinn Mars asked as she plopped onto the sofa next to the blonde woman.

  "Mmmmmmhnn..." Wyatt nodded. She turned to look at Quinn noticing how pale and sick she looked for the first time. The brunette looked like she was suffering through a bad hangover. "You alright?"

  "Yeah." The brunette sighed, she tugged the grey sweatshirt down a bit and settled more comfortably against the sofa cushions. "I guess I was wrong last night. I ahs a lot of stomach acid to get out."

  The blonde gave a small smile. "Are you sure I can't get you something to drink eat... I can cook a great fry up if I do say so myself."

  Quinn wrinkled her nose. "I don't think I could eat anything really - even it is rich with cysteine... plus I don't feel hungover just.... bad I guess."


  "Oy." The brunette dramatically face Palmer herself causing Wyatt to
uncharacteristically laugh out loud. "Christmas woman give it a rest will yards? I'm taking a sick day I agreed to let you stay to make sure I was okay.. what else do you want from me?"

  Wyatt bit her lip sheepishly. As she was coming to this morning the first thought that cut through her sleep haze was having Quinn Mars household before she did so thing stupid. Like sleeping with a seventeen your old again.

  But she had woken to fine Quinn missing front the bed. Instead the brunette was in the adjoining bathroom vomitting. She couldn't leave even if what they did last night was very very inappropriate. If it had been any one of her other sexual partners she'd have bolted and never saw them again. But this was Quinn and even if she was unwilling to admit her feelings for the younger woman she could not avoid seeing her four-time days a week at school.

  "Besides." Quinn shrugged. "I already took enough pain pills to knock out a small elephant."

  There was silence. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't entirely comfortable for Wyatt either as she thought of all the ways to word what she wanted to say. After a few moments hesitation the blonde took a deep breath and caught Quinn's hand to stop her as she reached door the TV remote on the coffee table in her living room.

  "Quinn ... " Wyatt said seriously. "We need to talk."

  "About what Wyatt?" Quinn raised her eyebrows. "Huh? About me about us? Last  night? The party... the freaking weather?"

  The blonde let her hand drop on the back of the sofa the top of her head almost touched the wall behind it. "Just about.... us at least for now."

  Her companion shifted tucking her legs beneath herself and waited.

  "Look Quinn we both know that we shouldn't have  done what we did last night." The blonde began. "But we did. And in all fairness I was almost fully sober. You weren't."

  "I knew what I was doing." Quinn snorted.

  Wyatt tried not to smile at the double meaning behind the words. Not only did Quinn know what she was doing last night she was awfully good at it too. "Yes I know that as well. But... it was inappropriate. I'm not saying that it wasn't good - it was excellent  but very inappropriate."

The brunette blushed. A lovely flash of chlorpromazine came across her sickly pale cheeks. "Excellent?"

  The blonde couldn't help it she smiled turning her head to the side to look at Quinn. "Definitely. I mean I've never really considered letting anyone top me. But if I didn't know better idea sya you did- could have if you had set the scene."

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