Part 16

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  "Quinn!" Principle Conner called.

  "Yeah?" Quinn asked as she past the office door stopped and turning and leaning on the door jamb. Once Eagan she was slightly late. But that had never been and issue before at least not enough to warrant another confrontation- the first day of school she could understand but not almost two months in. "Whats up?"

  "Your late." Principle Conner eyed her sternly. "But that is not why I want you. Would you mind waiting a moment? We have a new student in with the guidance counselor and I would like you to escort her to class."

The brunette rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest. "Why me?"

  "Because" The man searched for an answer. "This is your late coming to school punishment and also because you and she have.....history."

   At this knowledge Quinn ocker and interested eyebrow only to drop into and emotionless expression when she glanced over Mr. Conners shoulder. A familiar figure stood leaning over the desk a yellow folder full of files in her hand. "Oh sure whatever." Was all she muttered.

  Principle Conner nodded giving her a look that she could only conceive as a warning before turned on his heel and headed towards the heavy looking wooden door behind the school office desk. The plaque on the door read his name which was of course headmaster.

  Quinn tapped her foot impatiently trying hard not to stare at  the familiar back but failed. She could tell who it was just by the exposed toned forearms with their flawless fair skin and luxurious pouring of golden hair that reached mid-back. The brunette also knew that her conversation with the principle had not gone unnoticed by the gym coach seem as she had stopped her conversation with the middle aged woman behind the computer screen.

  Moments later the door next to the principles office opened and a man in his mid-thirties - the school counselor stepped out of his office knocking on the principles door before recrossing the threshold of his office again.

  The principle stepped out peering in the room before making his way back around to Quinn another smaller person on his heels. "Thank you for waiting Quinn."

   The brunette said nothing far to shocked when a familiar face came into view at Mr Conners elbow. A fair skinned beauty with lush raven black curls framing her stunning face. Thick tinted sunglasses hid the girls face but Quinn knew all too well that they would be lovely blue grey eyes that sparkled with mischief.

  "I believe you know Miss. Bass ." Principle Conner said indicating to the young woman next to him. "Last year all AP classes transfered from a very pristine boarding school. You do of course know her am I correct?"

  "Yes." Quinn couldn't help the crooked grin that spread across her face. "Yeah I know her."

  The head teacher of the school raised an eyebrow clearly noticing the first real smile Quinn had let him see in a long time. "Brilliant! Then you won't mind escorting  her." Without that principle Conner turned on his heel and once again disappeared into his office.

  "Riley." The brunette acknowledged.

  The black haired girl smiled also shifting the shades and settling them on her dark hair. She made her way towards Quinn pulling her into a familiar embrace. "It's good to see you Quinn."

  Quinn smiled finally dropping her arm. "You too Riles. Did you tell Drake you were transferring? He never mentioned it."

  "Nope." Riley Bass shook her ehad. She was the twin sister of Drake Bass on of Quinn's best friends. But Riley was also an doldrums friend of Quinn's. "He doesn't know. It's a surprise."

  "Well..." Quinn shook her head slightly in shock. "Let me escort you to your first class - you'll have to tell me what that is by the way."

  They're raven haired girl laughed and brushed past Quinn waiting patiently in the school hallway for her. And once more almost longing to glance back to the blonde haired woman Quinn turned and followed after her.


  "No way!" Jason laughed. "Riley? As in Riley Bass?"

  "Yup." Quinn murmured popping the p.

  Jason snorted. "So does that mean-"

  Quinn looked up from her Chinese food catching the unsuccessful suggestive eyebrow wiggling her brother was trying to pull off. She got the message. "No."

  "No?" He asked frowning. "Why not?"

  "I don't know." The brunette shrugged shifting uncomfortably on the sofa of their living room. "Cause she's Drakes sister. His twin sister who was sent to boarding school for npbad behavior-"

  "Most of which you did together."

  "Yeah right." The blonde man snorted again. At his sisters eyebrow raised he shook his head slightly. "Quinn this is Riley Bass . You know you first crush kiss, oh yeah and we both know you used to sneak out the house at thirteen to go and make out."

  "Thirteen?" The brunette asked appreciatively a small smile on her face.

  "Yeah Playa."

  "Don't." The younger woman shook her head seriously. "Don't ever everdo that again."

  Jason narrowed his eyes at his sister a moment watching her nonchalantly go back to eating. He sighed snatching the remote off the arm of the sofa and searched through the channels. "You guys will go at it, you always do."

  Quinn bit her bottom lip. She thought about it seriously - she and Riley where always a good fit from the very beginning. But after the accident Quinn grew distant and Riley was sent to boarding school. She knew she would have at any other time in her life took a shot at her childhood crush.

  But even as she thought about it the brunette couldn't stop herself firm thinking about Wyatt.


  "So I was thinking..." Justin began. "Halloween party."

  The other three members groaned. They were lounging around in McQueen home just hanging out in Justin's bedroom.

  "All you ever think about is parties." Quinn accused.

  "Do not."

"Do too." Leah and Drake mimicked simultaneously.

  This caused the blonde man to stick his tongue out childishly at the two. He turned on his armchair looking directly at the brunette. "Come on Quinn. You ain't letting us celebrate the you know what so let us celebrate Halloween."

  Quinn didn't say anything she merely starred into the almost emptiness of her chip packet.


The brunette turned to look at him bored.

  "Please? I'll be your bestest friend?"

  Quinn's noted. "Your already my bestest friends jackass. Sure do whatever you want why should I care."

  "Wooo!" Justin whooped jumping out of the chair and crushing the brunette in a hug. He resisted and squeezed harder when Quinn tried to pull away kissing her forehead. "Love you forever!!"

  "Anyone ever told you that you are act slightly gay sometimes." Quinn joked into his strong chest.

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