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Benchmarks are boring..
I had a history test today and I finished 1 hour early and it was pretty boring..
My teacher is a real annoying and I don't like her at all.. I had 4 hours with her because of the new schedule change
I slept in that class and pretty much woke up looking tired with messy hair. Lunch came and I felt pretty empty inside.
APH_Vietnam we had talks and everything thing in life... I honestly wonder why I was born. What's the benefit of my life on this planet? Why can't I be gone.. I'm such a bother to everyone anyways. Why can't I ever live up to my parents expectations. And this one guy pissed me off. Who the oheck goes around telling other people that this chick has a nice ass? He only dates girls who are "hot" around the body and face area. Called me a lesbian the other day and pissed me off so much... like who goes around calling people that.. I mean sexuality isn't just a word to call somebody. I sit like right next to him all the time and he acts like he knows everything... I would shove food up his mouth for him to be quiet. When that class was over I wonder when I was gonna go home..

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