I gave APH_Vietnam a present and I didn't know she didn't like gum but I was glad she accepted it and didn't leave it to waste. Thank you very much for the panda. I wouldn't have mind if it was a panda or any other animal. The picture was already good enough from you, since you drew it and it was very beautiful to me. I am glad to be able to receive any type of gift from you. Thank you Katrina.
Today I gave my aunt a jar of origami stars. She was really happy that I gave her a present. She didn't mind what it was. Last year was just a paper ninja star and she still gladly accepted it and kept it. It's not much but she was glad to be able to receive something from her niece. I wonder why we can't all be grateful for what we get.
I don't receive any gifts for Christmas from my parents, but I never cared for such things. I still don't. I didn't believe in Santa when I was little... I didn't believe any those myths (idk what they are called 😭) I only believed in the tooth fairy until one day I saw my mom put money under my pillow, it was funny.
I think it's always been like that, even though I didn't believe in such things I've always enjoyed any special day, either it was Christmas, thanksgiving, my birthday, etc. I didn't really get gifts, but I got food on any special days, so I'm guessing that's my present? Lol. Merry Christmas everyone.