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I was sleeping and I remember my dream somehow. I don't know how to explain this without it being weird or crazy.. welp.

Its like one of those dreams you have where you can picture or remember when you sleep but when you wake up it's like vague.

I don't exactly remember my dream but this is what happened.

Me: *sleeping in bed quietly and dreaming about something*

Cousin: WAKE UP!!! Wake up!! *shakes me*

Me: ugh.. (in my head) *stappp pls, this is the second day where you wake me up*

Cousin: *keeps shaking me*

Me: get off of my bed. You woke me up from a dream... *i don't trust my cousin and he's a guy so.. yea.. I don't trust him so I told him to get out of my room.*

I can't remember if it was a dream or a nightmare.. welp

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