Chapter 12

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**| Sang's POV |**

Wil was already at the library when we got there.

He smiled at me but it slipped a little when he noticed the boys behind me. But then he caught himself and smiled again.

"Glad you could make it," he said.

"Me too. Did you know Battery Park is having an art festival today?" I asked.

Wil shook his head and I ended up going on a ten-minute spiel about how much fun it was.

I noticed that the longer I talked, the more Wil relaxed, and he seemed to warm up to the boys too. When I finished, he even entered a conversation with Marc about types of coffees. They lost me when they started talking about brands and different kinds of beans and the different methods to grind them.

I let them go at it as I dug through Wil's bag and grabbed the folder he kept the worksheets in.

"Do this one first," Wil said as he grabbed the folder and passed me one of the worksheets. I looked it over and nodded.

As I worked, he talked with the boys quietly enough to not disrupt me.

When I finished a worksheet, he gave me another. When I had trouble he helped me.

The other boys eventually got distracted with other books.

When I finished the last one, I rubbed my eyes.

"Done," I sighed.

Wil smiled fondly at me. "You really are smart. You can go to college if you want."

I shook my head. I couldn't. My dad ruined any chances of me being able to go.

Wil only nodded, not pushing me about it. He would mention things but if I said no, then he respected that, though he has asked me about college a couple of times, just not often enough for it to be annoying.

"Are you ready for tomorrow night?" he asked.

My eyes widened and I looked at Gabriel, Luke, and Marc who looked at me with interest.

"What's tomorrow night?" Luke asked.

I sighed. I wasn't going to explain it to them just yet. But I guess now was better than never.

"Every Tuesday and Wednesday the nomads are hunted by these five guys. They take a couple of us each week."

All three of them focused on me and I squirmed in my seat.

"Explain," Marc said in a commanding tone.

I almost whimpered at the abruptness of it. I settled for releasing a breath. They really did need to know anyways.

"For the last few months, men have been kidnapping us. Many of us know to hide from them but they still manage to find some of us. The ones who have been taken end up found in the Charleston Harbor after about a week or so."

"Every fucking week?" Gabriel asked.

I nodded. "Every single week, like clockwork. Sometimes they leave empty handed, other times, we aren't so lucky." I frowned and looked at Wil. "Last week they found a few people but I saved them."

Wil saw my expression and his green eyes narrowed. "What do you mean you saved them?"

I shifted in my seat, knowing he wasn't going to like my answer. I always told him I had a safe place to stay during those days, not watching the men and trying to learn their habits.

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