Chapter 113

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Before I show up on anyone's 'Did the Author Die?' list, here's an update. And as an apology, there's going to be two! So enjoy and thank you for your patience and understanding. I'm going to push to have this finished in 1 to 2 weeks. Think I can do it!?!? (I hope so. I want to write "The End" to this journey.)


**| Sang's POV |**

Victor had fallen asleep with his chest to my back and his head near my neck, after about an hour of moving around and trying to enter dreamland. I could feel his breath against the nape of my neck and there was a comfort in it, knowing he was there with me.

I wasn't so lucky. I dozed off at one point, but then after that, something had woke me up and every shadow in the room had my heart rate picking up. Was Vulcan going to come back and make me do something else I didn't want to do? I had the impression what I did tonight was the easiest thing he'd make me do and I hated every second of it. I didn't want to imagine what other plans he had for me.

I reached up and ran my finger along Victor's fingers. His arms were wrapped around me, one around my stomach, and the other over my chest, just above my breasts. When I touched him, he shifted and I froze, but all he did was pull me closer to him, still sleeping and snoring softly. He even slipped his leg between mine and I could feel all of him pressed against me.

How did I become so lucky to have the support the guys have been giving me these last few weeks? I went from having no one, from just trying to survive and stay out of trouble, to having fourteen men who wanted to take care of me. Even after I threw their kindness back into their faces multiple times.

Without them, no doubt, I would have been in Vulcan's hands long ago and with no support or hope. There would be no one out there looking for me. I would just become a statistic, another missing homeless person. Then again, I doubted I would have even been that because I didn't exist. I was no one and I could easily stay as no one.

I sighed and closed my eyes, hoping sleep would come to me. I was probably just dozing when I felt the change in the air, a slight shift. I popped my eyes opened and stared into the darkness. The shadows that were now moving weren't natural.

"Victor," I said, gripping his hand and squeezing tightly, digging my nails in a little to wake up him.

"Wha?" he grumbled.

"Time to go," a mechanical voice said and we both jumped at the voice.

Victor swore and before I could really understand how, I was slightly behind Victor with him now in front of me, his body slightly covering me.

Did he roll over me?

"What are you doing here?" Victor asked in a hard voice.

"Getting you out, get ready," Volto said. "The cameras are on a loop, but that won't go unnoticed for long."

Victor reached over and turned on the lamp next to the bed. The room lit up and the first thing I noted, that explained why Volto was so hard to spot, was that instead of his mask being white, it was completely black. He almost looked faceless with the hood over his head and the mask blending in with the shadows. "You have two minutes."

"Victor," I whispered. "Let's follow him."

Victor turned to me, his mouth gaping. "Are you crazy?" he asked.

"He hasn't hurt me."

"He was helping Rocky."

"I helped you guys find her," Volto said. "Really now. We need to be going. Our window is closing."

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