Chapter 85

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**| Sang's POV |**

My head pounded, each pulse a reminder of the nightmare I was currently in. The room was dank and when I slowly opened my eyes, dark. And my feet were freezing. I rubbed them against the floor and realized I didn't have my shoes on. Where did they go?

Sniffling caught my attention and I looked over to a dark corner to see a small figure curled into herself as she cried.


Oh, my God, it's Bray.

They took her too.

I blinked a couple of times, trying to see into the dark shadows. A cage. They had put Bray into a cage, treating her like some kind of animal.

Fear ran through my veins and I shifted my head to look around more but held in a grunt as more pain introduced itself to my brain. My heart rate picked up, matching its beat with the drums going off in my head.

"S-Sang?" Bray called out.

"Bray," I gritted out, keeping my eyes closed in hopes of it helping with the pain. It really didn't.

I tried to move but I was strained to a chair, my arms behind my back, putting pressure on my shoulders. I tried to move my legs only to find out they were restrained too. I couldn't move anything but my head.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly. "Did they hurt you?"

She stuttered out, "N-no."

I sighed, relieved. If something happened to her...

I shook my head. No. I couldn't let anything happen to her. She was here because of me. Because of my problems. I couldn't let her become a casualty.

The door clanged open and Rocky and Jade strode into the room. Jade's hair was now pulled into a long black side braid that fell over her shoulders and down to her breasts. She wore a short light pink skirt and a black and white striped blouse, a little too tight and little too revealing. Her eyes focused on me and I could see the rage boiling inside of her. Jade had been an angry girl for a very long time, and sitting here, tied up, I just became her perfect outlet.

Rocky's blue-grey eyes focused on me and he flashed me a handsome smile but his friendliness didn't fool me. He rolled up his long sleeve shirt to show off his muscular forearms.

"Sang, I'm happy to see you," he said in his raspy voice.

I narrowed my eyes and kept my lips pressed together as a response.

His smile slipped away into a frown. "You're not happy to see Rocky?"

I just glared.

"Answer him, bitch," Jade said just as pain erupted along my cheek, adding to the dance party of pain already going on in my head.

"Jade, relax," Rocky said and Jade stepped back. He sighed and turned his bogus miserable eyes onto me. "I really do wish it didn't have to be like this, Sang."

"Then let me go," I gritted out.

"I can't. Rocky has been getting heat from others and now I need to make a lesson out of you." He moved closer and leaned over me, trying to use his height to intimidate me. He reached over and grabbed a strand of my hair, his thumb rubbing at it as if my hair was something precious. "I need to teach people that they can't defy Rocky. That my punishments aren't a walk in the park. And you're going to do that for me."

Bile rose in my throat and I was tempted to lean forward and ensure it all landed on Rocky. But I forced it down. I wouldn't be able to get away from him if I infuriated him.

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