Chapter 66

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An update!! Thank you for being patient!


**| Sang's POV |**

I took a tour of the farmhouse just long enough to use the bathroom and find my bedroom. Everything about this place was cozy, with wooden floors, earth toned walls, and the ceilings had beams going across for extra support. Even some of the floorboards creaked and I made a point to remember which ones did. When I made it back to the living room, Corey and Brandon were sitting down in a long brown couch, whispering to each other. When I walked into the room, they stopped.

Corey looked uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked.

"Everyone is going to meet us here tonight. We don't know how Volto got into the house without alerting anyone so we're not messing around anymore."

I nodded and settled into a chair, sinking down comfortably into the soft material. I tucked my feet underneath me before focusing on the twins.

They were both staring at me and I had to force myself to not fidget underneath their attention. I thought they were waiting for me to react to the news about everyone coming here. I wasn't sure how I felt. I wasn't ready to face them all again, not after the last time I was with everyone, I felt so betrayed. And having so many of them in the same room should be illegal. I was beginning the Academy preferred their recruits a certain way. I wasn't blind, I knew they were all handsome.

"So how is this place any different than the last safe house?" I asked.

"The fence for one," Brandon said.

I cocked an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Volto could climb right over it. I saw it coming in, I could climb over it too."

The first half of the fence, probably up to ten feet, was white brick and then the top part for another few feet were metallic bars with pointy tops. Impressive, but they weren't impossible to climb. I would just need to be a little more careful not to stab myself.

"Sang?" Corey asked.


"Please don't climb the fence. I don't want you getting hurt."

Brandon grunted his agreement and I tried to not roll my eyes at the two of them.

"I'm a good climber, I wouldn't fall," I said.

"No, but the top part, where all the metal is, will shock you and that will make you fall," Brandon said.

"And we have cameras installed up there and will know if someone tries to do it. There is also motion detector sensors on the wall itself so if someone is touching it, trying to climb up, we will know. There aren't any trees along the gate for a reason. We don't want anyone using them to get over either."

I released a breath. "Should have just said that at the beginning," I grumbled, getting a couple of chuckles from the two of them.

Footsteps came up to the porch and I turned to see the door. Men piled through the door and then paused as they looked at me.

I stared back.




All three stood there. My chest ached but the fury was gone. I wasn't even sure when it disappeared. Now I was just...sad.

"Hi," I whispered.

Marc was the first to move, blinking a couple of times and sending me a smile.

"Hi, Sang," he said, walking over slowly. "How are you feeling?"

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