Chapter 24

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Hey guys! So, if you haven't decided on which story you want em to write yet. Or, if you want me to write another one at all, please go back a chapter and tell me which one! There are three choices at the end of the chapter. Just in case you guys didn't check.

Dedicated to: Sibbyana, again because I still feel terrible. I'm sorry! Gosh, I feel like a bad person.

Anyhoodles! Thank you all so much for 10,000 READS! :D


I kiss Nik back fiercely when his lips come back to mine. Our kisses become feverish, and I could feel him against my thigh. The heat in his kisses made me moan again, and he finally kissed his way down my throat for the final time.  Once he reached the top of my sports bra, he paused and kissed the spot where my heart was. Then, he moved down and kissed my stomach. "Nik." I said breathlessly as he kissed my hipbone. He looked up at me, with golden eyes. "W-we can't." I tell him, pulling away.

"Why not?" he asked, following my movements so I was still near him. I stuttered to answer him, because I really couldn't think of anything but him at that moment. His golden eyes entrapped me, and I found myself leaning forward again. Then, I realized what I was doing and I leaned back, against my head board.

"We can't." I said again, shaking my head. "It wouldn't be fair."

"It wouldn't be fair?" Nik asked in a demanding tone. His eyes faded to their natural blue, and I looked into them. "It wouldn't be fair to who? Kol? Elijah? Are they the reason you want to stop?" he looked so hurt. "Do you fancy them more than me?"

"They aren't the reason." I tell him.

"Then who is?" he persisted, sitting up.

"Me." I blurt out. "It's me."

"Why wouldn't it be fair to you, love?" he asked, leaning towards me again.

"It wouldn't be fair to me." I tell him, "Because it means i'm forgetting the other two. It means i'm practically giving myself up. I can't give up, yet." I shake my head. "I really do like you Niklaus, but you tried to kill Stefan to make me feel again, and that's something I can't forgive you for." I stood up quickly and picked up my shirt off the floor. Pulling it on, I felt his presence behind me. "Family means everything to me, and if you're willing to kill them that easily." I look at the ground instead of looking into his eyes. "I think you should go."

"Aurora." Nik whispered as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't do this."

"Go." I tell him. "Before I make you leave."

"I'm not giving up." he promised as he made his way towards the window. "Not until the day you choose. Whether that be tomorrow, or in a century. I will not give up my fight for you."

I close my eyes and when I open them again, he's gone.


The next day in school, I'm sitting in Alaric's classroom. I flip through a book, waiting for class to start. "Aurora." looking up, I spot Alaric.

"Are you pissed too?" I ask him. "I'm not going to say sorry for hurting her. And, if you want an apology you can forget about it. I'm sorry Ric, you're a good friend. But I hate Elena with everything I have, hate is the only emotion I can really feel anymore, besides love for my brothers." And Lust. I remembered silently. "I don't want to lose you as a friend, Alaric. But, if I have to choose between you and killing Elena when the time comes. It will always be her."

"I understand." he said, surprising me. "I don't approve, but I understand."

"Good, because I have to give that speech about seven more times." I chuckle. "Saint Stefan is making me apologize. And, normally I would say, 'I do what I want'. But, it's Stefan. And he gave me that really sad face he does. You know the one." Alaric nods. "Yeah, and he told me I had to or he wouldn't buy me any more pop-tarts. And honestly, I can't go the the store by myself anymore, because I take forever to decide what flavour I want. It's really just a mess." I shake my head and sigh.

"I see your getting back to your normal self." he pointed out. "Do you have emotions again?"

"No, but something happened last night that reminded me just how much I need my friends. I need people to rely on." I close my book, and the 'snap' sound it makes echo's around the room. "You were one of my friends, Alaric. Before it all went down. And, i'd like for you to be a friend again."

"I've never stopped being your friend, Aurora." Alaric says as he sits on the top of his desk and crosses his arms. "None of have ever stopped being your friends. You pushed us away."

"Do you think there's a chance that I could have all that friendship back?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

"I think that you wanted it back at the right time." he nodded. "Because they need you as much as you need them. We need you Aurora."


"Hey guys." I said as I sat down at the lunch table.

"Aurora." Jeremy says stiffly.

"Look, i'm not sorry about hurting Elena." I confess. "But, I'm going to try and not do it again. Just keep her away from me and it will be fine. I just," I sigh, "I just want to be your friend again, Jer. I'm sorry if I offended you. I really am."

His eyes soften, and I know he's forgiven me. Looking around the table, I see the others have as well. Smiling, I pick up a fry from Jeremy's tray and eat it with a wink. "Hey! That was mine!"

"Your point?" I ask, and laugh as he pouts.

"It's good to have you back." Caroline smiles and hugs me. And, ever so slowly I return it with a smile of my own.

Slowly, these people we breaking through my defenses. "I'm turning them back on." I tell them after I let her go. "I-I need to. I can't live like this anymore. It's just so hard, fighting against my feelings."

"Good. We want the normal Aurora back." Tyler chuckles, and Matt nods in agreement.

"When are you doing it?" Caroline asked.

"Tonight." I swallow the lump in my throat.

"I'll be there." Caroline smiles. And I nod, giving her a smile of my own.

"I'm going to go before Elena and Bonnie get here." I tell them, standing up. "And, I have to go talk to someone." My eyes find Rebekah's, and I smile. "See you tonight, Care."

"Bye, Rory." she grins, and I laugh and walk away from the table as Bonnie and Elena enter the lunch room. The air in the room immediately goes five degree's colder from the glares the two were giving me.

"Hey, Bekah." I say as I walk up to my old blonde best friend. She smiles at me.

"You're turning them back on?" she asked hopefully. Honestly, I think that I was the only person in the school that she liked. Besides my brother, anyways.

"Yeah." I tell her, sitting down next to her. "Look, i'm sort of sorry for how much of a bitch i've been to you lately. Your brothers are just putting me under so much stress, it's damn near impossible to leave my house without bumping into them."

"I'm sorry about that." she smiles sadly. "The last girl they fought over, well Niklaus and Elijah, was Katherine. And before that it was Tatia. The original doppelganger."

"Do I have to worry about Elena?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Nik has no use for her anymore, other than her blood." Rebekah shrugged. "And, i'm sure Elijah doesn't like her like that."

"Who do you think I should choose?" I ask her, wanting her opinion. "Don't tell me as a sister. Tell me as a friend."

"Honestly, I don't know." she shook her head. "I care for all of my brothers. And really, it's not my choice. It is yours. I can't decide for you, Aurora."

"This is so complicated." I groan.

"You'll realize who you love soon enough. Just try to let the other two down gently, okay?" she smiles at me, and I feel a bond. "You're already like a sister to me, Aurora. So, whoever you choose i'll be fine with."

I grin at her. "Thank you, Bekah."


This chapter, was purely to patch up her broken friendships. I promise, for all you Elijah lovers, that there will be an Elijah scene in the next chapter. ;)

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