My Four Friends

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You, you're such a big star to me, you're everything I want to be...

In the very beginning there were just two of us, we bonded over Harry Potter and our there quirky 11 year old traits.

After that we grew to 4 in total, we each had our own pairs but all the same we were special.
I remember how we all ran around like lunatics and how we used to laugh with each other all through lesson.
Or at least you would, I like to think I tried to focus more on the work.

We grew again to 5, 5 musketeers, 5 amigos and we were tight.
We found everything funny and we just clicked.
At one point we had a huge fall out and I was pretty much to blame, but we don't talk about that anymore, we've moved on.
We were 5 gold stars shining in the sky and nothing could bring us down.

Then we were 4 again, we lost one and it hurt so bad.
I was never very good with change but you insisted it was for the best,
I'm so happy you did that because now you are so happy and bright and beautiful, I am so proud of how far you've come.
4 was not as bright as 5, we struggled with turbulence on our little airoplane ride but 4 would still hold us up.

I'm not sure how many we are now, we're more of a compass, spreading across the corners of our lives but I think we're happy, I think we are.

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