I wish that when I was younger someone could have told me that friendships could be abusive too,
That I wasn't alone in the fact that I was spending nights sobbing over the thought of us falling out, of you hating me,
It would have been great to know that the way you took advantage of me, the way you cast me aside when anyone new came and expected me to still be waiting, the way that you made me feel bad for any time I complained was not normal of a friendship,
And yet it was normal of ours?I'm not sure what you expected out of us, I'm not sure what I expected out of you,
I held you too high, almost like God, thinking that you would be there forever,
But all you could ever do was abandon me and attack me whenever I hurt.It's not right for someone to belittle their best friend,
Or for them to make them feel like their problems are worthless because you've had to worse even though they are having a really tough time right now,
It just kinda shows you don't care, you know.
It's not normal, you know.
This is why I don't tell you what's wrong because I know you will always reply like you did, because I am not good enough.For you.
But I'm good enough for me and all the others so do you really matter?
You shouldn't matter to me after all you did,
You shouldn't deserve any of my respect after these 3 years,
You needn't expect me to come crawling back because this is my life,
You shouldn't talk I me like that.And it feels so good to be free.
And it feels so great to be free.