Part Five: The Next Day

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As Namjoon and Yoongi attempted to put the tree back up peacefully, Jin set to work making some food for everyone. There was no point in trying to make sense of this mess on an empty stomach in Jin's opinion. And he was feeling a bit softer after getting to know Jimin and his situation. Even though it was quite unbelievable.

Jimin sat on the couch still trying to control his tears as he watched Yoongi and Namjoon snap at each other.

"Here's the deal, Mr. walking disaster," Yoongi said as patiently as possible, which wasn't really patient at all. "I push and you pull, got it? Stop trying to lift it off the ground."

"Okay, listen up, Snow White," Namjoon snapped. "I'm doing the best I can; you're the one making it worse!"

"Oh, haha! Nice one, Wreck it Ralph. You and I both know who the klutz of the century is here, and who is always here to save the day."

"I can't believe you just went there. I wouldn't break it more than once if you fixed it right in the first place!" Namjoon yelled.

"That doesn't even make sense!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you trying to convince the one with the IQ of 148 that he's incorrect?!"

"Stop rambling and just do as I say!" Yoongi roared.

"Oh! So now you wanna stop talking and get working?!"

"Your arguing is making my ears rot." Jin walked in with a tray of steaming bowls in his hand.

Namjoon and Yoongi both shut it and finished adjusting the tree. Jimin's mouth watered at the scent of the hot noodles Jin had prepared.

"Woah, that smells good," he said, drying his cheeks with the back of his hand.

Jin set a bowl in front of him without replying.

"Thanks," Jimin said, a smile spreading on his face.

"You better enjoy it, kid," Yoongi said as he sat. "It's not every day Jin feeds a psychotic burglar."

"Okay, that's enough, Min Yoongi." Jin placed the other two bowls in front of Namjoon and him.

"Thank you for the food," the two chimed.

Jin nodded and sat, and everyone proceeded to eat in silence. All that could be heard was the slurping and splashing of the messy eaters. By the time everyone was finished, no one could keep their eyes open.

Yoongi was the first to lay back and begin to snore softly. Then Jimin curled up on the couch he sat at and drifted to sleep as well. Namjoon laid against Yoongi, and Jin against Namjoon. All four were asleep within an hour of each other.

And the apartment was filled with silence once again.


Namjoon was the first to slowly open his eyes. The sunlight drifting through Jin's large window practically blinded him, and he groaned. He turned his head the other way, causing a sudden pain to shoot through his neck.

"Aish!" Namjoon cursed, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head.

He looked around, wondering what he was doing in his hyung's apartment. Then suddenly, all the memories came flooding back to him. Jimin. He glanced at the couch. It was empty. Had it really been a dream? But it felt so real. The sound of a drawer closing suddenly came from the kitchen. Namjoon frowned and glanced towards its direction.

Jin and Yoongi hyung were both next to him. So who was in the kitchen? He got up and slowly padded towards it. A boy with fluffy, red hair and a large fury coat was opening the fridge.

"Ah," he said quietly as he peered inside.

"Jimin?" Namjoon asked.

The boy jumped and turned around.

"Oh. Merry Christmas, Namjoon," he said shyly.

"Oh. That's right. It is Christmas isn't it?" Namjoon yawned. "What are you doing?"

"I'm extremely hungry," Jimin admitted sheepishly. "I didn't want to wake Jin, so I thought maybe I could find some food in here by myself."

"I wouldn't if I were you," Namjoon warned. "Jin hates it when people--"

"What are you guys doing in here?" Jin's voice asked slowly.

Namjoon grimaced.

"Crap," he whispered.

Jimin looked at Jin with confusion.

"Sorry. Did I do something wrong?"

"Namjoon," Jin said calmly.

"He didn't know, hyung, I swear. And I've only been here for a minute, trust me," Namjoon quickly insisted.

"Merry Christmas, Namjoon," Jin said with a chuckle.

Namjoon turned around to face his laughing hyung.

"That's low," he whined. "Merry Christmas."

Jin suddenly grew serious again.

"Everyone out. Now," he snapped.

Jimin and Namjoon jumped and hightailed it back into the living room, where Jimin accidentally tripped over the sleeping lump that was Yoongi.

"Ah!" He yelped, falling to the floor.

Namjoon couldn't help but laugh at that. He wasn't surprised when Yoongi merely stirred and went silent again. Jimin watched him in expectant terror.

"Don't worry, he'll be asleep for a while," Namjoon reassured him.

Jimin nodded, and the doorbell suddenly rang through the apartment. Namjoon raised his eyebrows.

"I'll get it, hyung!" He called to Jin.

Who was this newcomer?

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