Part Two: The Elf

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Jin gripped the bat so tightly his knuckles turned white. With every step he took through the dark apartment, Jin winced. Every slight sound made him jump. You can do this. You can do this, he chanted in his head. Namjoon better hurry it up.

Jin reached the hallway going down the center of his apartment; light trickled in softly from the living room where he kept his Christmas tree. Jin paused, wondering if that was where the noise was coming from. He narrowed his eyes in thought of a slimy robber stealing the gifts he'd so meticulously picked out for his dongsaengs. Not today. A surge of courage coursed through his body, and Jin gripped the bat with renewed vigor.

With a nod of his head, he moved forward to the living room. One step at a time, Jin grew closer and closer. He chewed his lips in anticipation, wondering how he would confront the thief. Wait. He stopped short. Why didn't I call the police?

"Nicks!" A voice whispered suddenly, snapping Jin out of his thoughts.

Jin jumped and back away from the door, listening closely.

"Nicks!" The voice hissed again. "Where are you?"

There are two of them? Jin thought in horror. He was tall but certainly not big enough to take down two burglars!

"No, no, no!" The voice moaned. "This isn't happening."

Jin raised his eyebrows. From the sound of it, he decided one of the thieves had taken the goods and ran, leaving his partner behind to take the blame. That means he's alone and vulnerable. Perfect. Jin crept towards the door again, peaking inside to finally see the owner of the voice.

A short boy with vibrant red hair and a thick fur coat crouched at Jin's modern fireplace. His back was turned away from the doorway where Jin stood with a frown. What the heck is he wearing? Jin held in a scoff at the strangers get up. No one's gonna succeed in robbing an apartment with that on. Jin shook his head in distaste. Too bad he'll have to go to prison in that.

"Nicks!" The boy hissed that American sounding name again.

Jin paused.

"Sugar cookies," the thief snapped.

Hm. Interesting. Jin was thoroughly confused. Well, it didn't matter anyway, because Jin was ready to do away with the intruder once and for all.
Taking in a deep breath, he straightened up, raising the bat.

"Yah!" Jin yelled.

Aish. Why didn't I do something more dramatic? Jin shook his head as the boy cried out and quickly raised his head, slamming it against the top of the fire place.

"Gaaish!" He let out a strange noise of pain.

Jin held the bat, trying to look as menacing as possible. The strange burglar stumbled up and turned around; Jin was finally able to see his face in the glittery light of the Christmas tree. He had a full face with soft lips, a look of panic and terror across it. Jin concluded that the red head was younger than himself.

"Who are you, and why are you in my apartment?!" Jin snapped, feeling much braver after seeing what the possible threat looked like.

"Uh, well...that is..." the boy stuttered.

"Well?" Jin urged.

"I--I'm not a robber," he insisted.

Jin couldn't respond to that. It was a bit too obvious to even try and deny. The boy watched as Jin's eyes scan the situation. A random man standing in his apartment filled with valuable Christmas gifts in the middle of the night. Yeah, that seemed pretty suspicious.

"Look, it really isn't what it looks like," he whined.

"That's what they all say." Jin shook his head in disgust.

"Please don't make me say it," the younger one moaned.

"What?" Jin asked.

"Please believe me, if I told you, you would think I'm crazy."

"I already do think you're crazy. All outlaws are a little insane, don't you think?" Jin pointed out. "It doesn't matter, I'm calling the police."

Jin whipped out the cell phone he'd been keeping in his pocket.

"Don't move or I will use this," he warned the boy, waving the bat slightly as he began to dial.

"No, no, no! Don't call the police! Look I'll tell you, just don't call them!" He begged. "Please!"

"Sorry," Jin said, about to hit "enter."

"I'm an elf!" The intruder yelled suddenly.

Jin's jaw dropped. And all hell broke loose.

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