Silence Is Easy

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“Ok, so let’s start off with some full court sprints to warm up our legs. Go!” It was time for the first morning workout of the summer, and all of my roommates were up with me, bright and early. We quickly learned Coach Jeffries and Coach Johnson didn’t play games. They were both as equally hardcore as the other, and didn’t take it easy for anyone. Lucky for me, my father was my coach and he was the same way. “Go big or go home,” that was his motto for everything. As much as I hated the insane workouts he mad us do at home, they really paid off, considering Kinsie and I were the first girls done with every sprint, and following close behind us were Korrine and Alyx, who were both in amazing shape as well just not as quick as us. I guess being a setter and a libero we were two of the fastest on the court.

“Ok, now girls to the weight room and boys you’ll stay with Coach Jeffries for more conditioning, we’ll switch in 30 minutes!” Coach Johnson shouted. I actually liked her, even though she was a little bit psychotic. She knew what she was talking about, and had already set a private time with me after workouts to work on setting.

“Let’s go ladies, time is of the essence! Hustle!” She shouted as she blew her whistle in another girl’s face.

“Coach, my legs are killing me,” a girl complained. I rolled my eyes, I would feel sorry for her but she had been complaining about everything since we got here.

“What’s your name?” Coach Johnson demanded.

“Kelly,” she panted.

“Well, Kelly all I have to say is suck it up!” She screamed, everyone jumped.

“One more complaint and you can forget weights and we can just run the distance of the campus 30 times, got it?”

Everyone yelled back in unison, “Yes ma’am.”

When we finished weights, my limbs felt like limp noodles, but I pushed through conditioning as hard as I could. I had never been through a workout that grueling before. When we were done with all of the insane abs workouts and other circuits, we were sent to run to the opposite end of the campus and back, my roommates and I ran together and finished first.

“Listen up! I want to tell you girls that I am very proud of some of you, and very disappointed in some of you. There is no reason you all shouldn’t be able to do these workouts, you are athletes and this is just the beginning. That being said, I’d like to congratulate the 4 winners of today’s workout are these girls!” She pointed to us. “Here is your prize!” she handed us each a small red ticket stub.

“Is this a joke?” Alyx muttered. Kinsie elbowed her softly in the side as Korrine shushed her.

“That is a ticket that allows you to cut everyone in the lunch and dinner line this week, keep up with it.”

“Awesome!” Kinsie shrieked.

“Keep up the good work, girls.” Coach Jeffries congratulated us. That boy could have passed as an Abercrombie model, I swear. 

I noticed all the other girls were either congratulating us or giving us daggers that could send us straight to the grave.

“Showoffs…” one girl muttered.

“Let’s go get showered before we head to breakfast,” Alyx pulled us away from the group.

“Those girls . . . They’re mean. I don’t like them.” Korrine stated, disappointingly.

“What did you expect? When you’re as awesome as us you’re going to get haters!” Kinsie giggled.

“Not everything is bunnies and rainbows, Korrine.” Alyx muttered.

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