Chapter 9-Where The Lies Start

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Anna's POV

I woke up at Logan's house and he was pacing back and forth.

''Logan?'' I whisper.

He quickly looks at me and sighs.

''Your awake.'' He whispers.

I nod even though it hurt.

''How long have I been out?'' I whisper.

He looks down and then my door flies open and Kat,Marie,Cassie,And Jordan all rush in.

''YOUR UP!'' They all say.

I blush and nod.

Kat runs over to me and hugs me.

I gasp in shock and I feel her kiss my cheek.

''You have been out for 48 hours! Geez,Tired much?''Jordan murmurs. I can see how happy he is though now i'm awake.

I smile.

''Guys,What's today?'' I ask.

Logan frowns,''Tuesday.''

I sigh. ''I need to go to school.''

Kat glares at me. ''No! I refuse to let you go!''

I roll my eyes.

''If I start to feel well I will tell one of you and then you guys can drive me back here,Kay?'' I ask biting my lip.

Kat frowns but Logan nods.

I walk into the bathroom and then I get into the shower. Once I was done I quickly get changed into a quick outfit.

I walk back out of the bathroom and smile at them.

They smile back and then we go to Logan's car.

We drive to school and once we walk inside everyone looks at me.

It goes quiet.

I was only gone for two days. Why are they looking at me?

I look down and go to my locker only to find Mr.Alexander standing there.

This confuses me.

''Welcome back.'' He murmurs.

I shurg,''Why are you at my locker?'' I ask looking at Logan.

Mr.Alexander frowns.

''Can I talk to you? Alone?'' He asks looking past me and to Logan.

I shrug and kiss Logan good-bye then I walk with Mr.Alexander to his class room.

''Hmm?'' I growl once he closes the door.

He frowns at me.

''What is this?'' He asks handing me two sheets of paper.

I take them and gasp.

Their both of my one shots. Of Rose and AnnaMarie.

I look at Mr.Alexander and bite my tounge.

''Their my stories. I wrote them.'' I say slowly.

He nods.

''They both are about abuse.''

I look down and shrug. ''So?''

''Look at me.'' He growls.

I slowly look up and notice he's closer then before.

I take two short steps back and glare at him.

'''So what? I guess i'm a freak like that.''

He shakes his head no. ''You put emotion in these stories...Like your  being abused.'' He says cocking his head to the side.

I hold in a gasp.

''Bite your bloody tounge! I am NOT being abused!'' I say louder then I wish I had.

He glares at me.

''Really? Then why have you been out for the past to days?'' He snaps.

I cross my arms.

''It's Judy's fault! She made me snap.'' I growl.

He rolls his eyes and I can tell he's getting fed up.

''Really? Because I see people tripping you all the time Anna! You never snaped before! So why now? Huh? Is Logan hurting you? Your mom? You have to tell me!'' He says sneering.

This makes me angry.

I have to tell him something?

''Sense when do I have to tell you something? Huh? Tell me! And I broke! So what! Some girls brake sometimes!'' I growl cletching my fist.

He glares.

''Anyway,If I was being abused why would you care?'' I hiss.

His face shows pity.

''Really? How low do you think about me?'' He asks.

I shake my head and bark a bitterful laugh.

'''I hate you! I wish you would die and I sware if you ever say that Logan or my mother is hurting me I will hurt you. ''Got it?'' I snarl.

I don't wait for him to respond I just leave.

And fuck the detention I have today! It's my first day back and well,Maybe I made the mistake of comming in today.

a.n.-Sorry the last chapter sucked. :( forgive me?

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