Chapter 13-I Fought Back And Look Where It Got Me!

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Anna's POV

Mr.Alexander looks at me with a look of shock and...Confushion?

Then he comes to.

''The text. He said he would hurt you.'' He says streching out each words.

Shit. Right...

''He hates to beat me but I like when he does it...I am just like that...?'' I say holding back my blush.

I sound nuts!

''Are you lying? If you arn't then why do you cover your bruises?'' He asks.

This is easy to answer,''Because if someone knew I liked pain they'd call me a freak and tell me to get help.''

He sneers. ''You're lying. I know you're not like that!''

I go pale. Why can't he believe me? Hm? Why can't he ignore me like the other teachers?

Thoughts of maine enter my mind and my last boyfriend does also.

For a quick second I have a flash back.

*Flash back to when Anna was in maine*

''Kris! Stop!'' I giggle running down the side walk.

My boyfriend,Kris,Was chasing me with a watergun and squriting me.

I giggle but gasp as I fall on my butt.

I whimper because I wasn't used to pain very much that and I got cut.

Kris runs up to me and bites his lip.

I look down and see a small sixed shard of glass sticking out of my left leg.


He carries me to his truck ans we drive to his house.

He layed me on the bed and took the blade of glass out of my leg and sesne he was taking doctor classes he knew what to do.

He stiched me up and four months later he was out of my life.


I sneer at the thoughts of Kris.

I look at Mr.Alexander.

''Butt the hell out.'' I snarl storming away from him.

**The next day**

I have a hang over. I got so drunk last night I wanted to die. I was smashed.

I shrug it off and take a warm shower and after that I get dressed.

I have no bruises yet so why no show a little skin? Logan may not like it...But I want to feel normal for five seconds.

I pull a small pullover on and smile at myself.

''ANNA NANNER!'' I angry voice yells and then my door swings open.

I blink at Kat who has a beyong pissed look on her face.

''Hmm....?'' I ask slowly backing up.

''You.Are.IGNOREING.ME!'' She shrieks.

I cover my ears and blush.

''I'M SORRY!'' I yell throwing a pillow at her.

''Hangover!'' I snap.

She blushes but puts her hands on her hips. ''Bitch. Tell me why you're mopping.''

I sigh and hug her. ''Alot is on my mind,Okay?'' I whisper.

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