Chapter 23-Forgive (Forget)

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Anna's POV

I walk down the hall way with the ring Logan gave me. My engagment ring.

I smile at the thought. I have come to mends with this. My father also did. My mother well-She says she can't wait until Logan gives me the kiss at the alter.

I chuckle as I remember the talk my mom gave me. It was about how I shouldn't get pregnant before my wedding and I should at least wait a month or two after it.

I go to my locker and I feel hands wrap around my waist. I smile and stuff a strad of hair behind my ear.

I turn around and smile at Logan. I kiss his lips and I hear someone clear their throat.

I pull away and with Logans arms tightly wraped around me me and Logan look at Mr.Alexander. Hurt,anger,and pure confushion is wrote clear on his face.

I feel Logan set his chin on my head. I give a half lop sided smile at Mr.Alexander.

''Yes Alexander?'' Logan snarls missing the Mr in his school teacher name.

I look down and come free from Logans almost bruising grasp.

I slowly look up again and both eyes are on me.

''Excuse me? It's Mr.Alexander.'' He snaps.

I give a small sigh. ''Why can't you two get along?'' I ask.

They both look at me again.

Logan looks at my hand with his ring and Mr.Alexander's gaze follows.

I looked at his face too see how he took it.

Anger,hurt,and even more anger flashed on his face.

He excuses himself and goes somewhere around the corner. I wanted to cry but I kept it in for Logan. He would be upset and angry as hell if he found out that I cried becasue my teacher doesn't agree with our soon-to-be-wedding.

I walked away to our first class with Logan and I hand in hand and we sat in the back. Sooner then I wished it was time for me to go to Mr.Alexander's class. Without Logan.

**Mr.Alexander's POV**

Stupid Caleb! She loved him first! She won't love you.

I shake my head and pull my black hair. I'm so stupid! I slam my fist against the chalk board and look at the clock. Damn. The fucking kids will be here in almost twenty minutes.

I wipe my hand on my pant leg and I sit down. Why? Why would she marry him? He abuses her! So why? He changes for a day? Does she remember him slamming her head against the door? Or breaking her ribs? Slapping her how many times? And she wants to marry him!

I hear the door open and I turn around and as I am about to yell at the person I freeze. It's Anna.

''What?'' I snarl.

She shows me her arm that has a slit on it.

''D-do you h-h-have a b-bandage?'' She whimpers.

I stoped being angry and I run over to her and lock the door.

''Who did this? Did Logan do this to you?'' I ask.

She shakes her head no. ''I cut myself. I didn't mean to though! I was running and I fell...'' She quickly adds.

I cock my head to the side but then shake it off. I grab a bandade and I give it to her.

She puts it on and someonne bangs on the door loudly.

''Anna! Are you in there?'' I hear Logan's voice yell.

Anna freezes making me think she lied.

She goes to the door and opens it. ''Yeah. Sorry Logan. I had to get a bandage. Sorry.'' She says slowly.

He glares at me and snatches her from my view. She's in my class! I wanted to yell. But I couldn't. Anna is right. I am in too deep with her. Why do I care for her so much? Because I found out she is being abused? I mean-1.8 Million girls are in the world I think and I can't save them all,Can I?

I didn't go after her. I did what I would do with any other girl in this school-I left her be.

I wanted to scream and punch Logan for making this beautiful girl so scared of him. I wanted to hurt him so bad....

Anna walks in in the middle of class and hands me a few sheets of paper.

I look at her confused.

''I asked the teacher next door what we would be doing in this class....He said we had to write a story. I wrote one...'' She say weakly.

I can see a faint bruise comming across her cheek but I said nothing sense class is in sesion.

I nod and I take it and set it on my desk and then I watch her leave. Guys look at her ass as soon as she turns around and girls glare at her back.

After school was done I was dying to read what she had wrote. I speed-walked to my car and I drove quickly home.

I park my car and I go to my room and I read her paper.

(Anna's story is in the italic!)

Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts,

If this is love I want to be hung by my neck.....

I,Alexndria Jonne cann't take the hate and hurt commin from He,Kody Spinner. My teacher. I don't think saying yes to my boyfriend of three years to marry him was wrong. Some people would though. But I can't take the hurt that comes from Kody's body. I want him to stop looking hurt.

I also want him to move on....The teacher in 11th grade,Ms.Penni has an eye for Kody......

(End of Story!)   -Anna Costello

I set her story down. It isn't as long as I wish it would be and it isn't as good for a hint that I would want...

I sigh and I write a large A- On it. It's a good rade but whatever I guess.

I put it on my dresser and I get up and I open my window up.

Suddenly a lage breeze comes in and it ruffles Anna's story and a sheet of paper I hadn't seen before drops to the floor. I slowly go over to it and open it.

Forgive me Mr.Alexander. I love him but I do thank you. And thanks for not asking about the bruise on my cheek....-Anna ='/

I swollow hard. ''I forgive you Anna....'' I whisper closing my eye tightly. Right now my insides felt as if they are going to burst open.

a.n.-okay! So..long? ;))) Damn~~ I should give Anna and Caleb a break! And a day after Logan asks her to marry him he turns back to be abuse her....damn. >.< Oh well...I'll give a small hint that'll happen soon! Anna+Caleb has a pretty heated scene....

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