Right Here-Chapter 9

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I edited a little bit of last chapter:)

Chapter 9

Harrys' POV•

It's been a good week since Taylor had first taken me back to her apartment to stay without any of the implications I expected. I had expected Taylor to just immediately fall into me the second I asked her to kiss me, but she's been as stubborn as any girl I've seen. There are plenty of girls that would throw themselves under a bus just to get a peck on their cheek from me, yet she can deny a request straight from me? And what worse is that it drives me more into her, it makes me want her even more. She's become my goal and I'm not one to leave a goal unachieved. It's not like we haven't kissed before, we did back in grade school, why she won't give in again escapes me. We are alone and no one would have to know, I just want to know if there's anything between us or to get my use of her then be on my way. Tonight, i'll find out for sure.

Limping around, I finally was able to cook a solid meal of Mac and Cheese with turkey & dressing by myself. Of course I had to do some googling but I ended up with what I thought looked and tasted normal. I was proud of it, never had I gone to the lengths to impress a girl like this before. They usually came to me, so much unlike Taylor.

"Where is she.." I mutter under my breath, sitting with my leg stretched out onto the carpet from the couch. She usually gets home around this time and she isn't here yet, not even a call which she usually does. Instictantly, I dial her number again and press the phone to my ear. It rings a few times until her soft voice answers,

"Harry? Is everything okay? I'm in the parkinglot, hold on," She says, her voice coming off smooth.

"No, I'm fine, I just wanted to know if you were alright. I'll see you in a second, bye," I say quickly, suddenly embarrassed I called in the first place. She probably thinks I'm an idiot for calling, or worrying at that.

After a few minutes, the doorknob turns and in she walks, carrying a load of papers with her hair in a high bun, some pieces falling down. I smile warmly at her as she sets her stuff down, narrowing her eyes at me.

"What'd you do? A-nd how'd you get in here? You're not suppose to be up, Harry!" She whines, pressing her foot down into the carpet. She looks so cute like this, cheeks warm from my gaze.

"I made you dinner. I hope you like Mac and cheese because I made a bowl full, it's basically all I know how to make," I laugh, limping into the kitchen and cradling the steaming bowl carefully to the table.

"Harry, this is too much- you didn't have to make all this," She gapes, helping to carry the turkey and gravy to the table.

"I wanted to, you've been so nice to me after what I did. This is the least I could do.." I grin sincerely, glancing up as she places it on the table. She meets my gaze, returning the smile. How could a woman like her ever even think of returning to a guy like me. A playboy. A guy who's only exit from his pitiful dream of a life is bedding a prostitute. She's way out of my league, whether my ego would care to admit it or not. "Sorry I'm not that great of a cook. Years have definitely taken its toll,"

"You've never been able to cook!" She teases as she laughs, biting into a piece of turkey.

"Dang, I thought I had you fooled," I reply, smirking. This is so much like we were, teasing and actually happy with eachother.

"Good?" I ask as she sits back, her hands on her stomach. She looks up with her gorgeous smile, flashing it widely.

"Amazing. I didn't know you could actually cook, Styles. It was a nice surprise too, better than takeout. That's for sure," She compliments, starting to gather the discardments around her area. Mom taught me how to, I didn't cook for girls though, by the time that they woke up, I was gone. I haven't cooked for years though, I'm glad it actually turned out good enough for her to praise it.

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