Here For You-Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

For the next couple days, I spend it clinging to Harry as if he might leave if I let alone sleep. He's promised he wasn't but I still have those haunting nightmares, tonight is the reoccurring death one.


"Harry?" I scream as the scene around me comes into view. Everythings' pitch black except for a vague outline of the alley sketched out. I'm half-lying on the ground. My hand traces up from the ground to my head, suddenly feeling a throbbing. I prod my fingertips to my temple gently, glaring down at them to find blood staining the tips. "Harry!"

"Taylor?" I hear his voice call frantically. I stand, my heartbeat pounding out of my chest and start running but I go no where. I run and run, hysterically sprinting into an alley that just never ends until finally Harrys' limp body comes into view. I fall to his side, blood pooling at his stomach. Every muscle is on edge and a cut on his forehead drips blood down the side of his face. "Do it, Taylor. Please," He whimpers.

I understand what he means as i follow his gaze to a nearby knife. He belts out a heart-cringing scream of pain, his face contorting from the severity. I shake my head quickly, unable to consider putting him out of his misery. His hand finds mine and squeezes. "Please." It echoes through my thoughts.

"Please, Taylor. Please."

He's shaking me now, his voice still racking me thought by thought until Harry above me comes into view.


"Taylor! Wake up, please, baby. I need you to wake up!" Harrys' voice comes frantically, pulling me from my nightmare. The comforter under my back is soaked in sweat and my face is stale of bawling in my sleep. He holds me up by my shoulders, pushing me into his arms as soon as my eyes open.

"T-the nightmare- y-you d..died!" I whimper, my ribcage racking as I feel tears numbly running off my cheeks onto Harrys' bare shoulder.

"That one again? Shhh, it's okay. I'm here, I'm alive." He cooes into my ear, pulling me into his lap and rubbing circles into my back. He gently presses his fingers into my chin, pulling me to look him in his eyes. "I'm here for you, okay? I love you."

I stop my tizzy and gaze at him, finding something soothing by looking him in the eye. It feels like I'm trying to dissect what he means by love. Why he would leave if he loves me so much? Besides the saying if you love something you'll let it go, but a person isn't a something and if you just let me go i'll break. Being a hopeless romantic with a fragile heart is probably the worst combination possible.

"Do you?" I whisper gently, the emotion hinting behind my tone itching into my words.

"Do I need to show you again?" He whispers raspily, trying to get me to lighten up by teasing without success. He reads my expression and sighs, straightening me out so I'm staring at him face to face. "I love you more than anything. The only reason I even considered leaving was because I didn't want to hurt you anymore. But I learned that I mean a lot more to you than I expected."

I gently punch his shoulder, "Of course you do, you jerk. You scared me half to death." I push in a bit of laughter, examine the shades of sapphire mixing into his pastel green eyes. "I love you, Harry."

"You know we haven't directly said that to eachother yet." He smiles, our noses brushing slightly.

"I think it's kind've obvious through our actions." I giggle as he gently flips us so he's lying on top of me on the bedtop, the nightmare temporaliy forgotten.

"I like to hear it.. verbally." He whispers huskily, his breath ricocheting off my neck. He traces his lips along my neck, careful not to purse his lips into it for too long. I let out a giggle as his stubble tickles my neck.

"Well then, Harry Styles," I grin, pulling his face up and cupping his jaw into my hand so he looks into my eyes. "I truly do love you."

He stretches his smile across his face which causes his adorable dimples to appear on his cheeks. "Well then, Miss Swift, can I just say that I.. love.." He presses kisses down my neck between words.

I can't hold back my smile now, letting it spread and pulling Harry once again off my collarbone for our lips to attach. Our lips run over eachothers', smiling all the while into the passionately heated kiss. Love is definitely a complicated thing, you can feel it easily but when it comes to saying it out loud, sometimes it can be the hardest thing you've ever done. Loving Harry came easy, I found that I loved him in highschool, but actually admitting it myself and to him was harder than I thought. It kind've burst out during arguements but that just fuel to the fire, so to speak.

"Do you know what I like about you?" He whispers, nuzzling his nose into my neck. The morning light that shines through the blinds catches him perfectly, illustrating the perfect morning scene you'd usually see in movies. "I like your eyes and the way your hair falls in your face, your smile, your laugh when you're absolutely about to explode, your forgiveness, the way you carry yourself-"

"Do you not like anything?" I laugh softly, running my hand up and down his bare back.

"Mmm I could go without holding Ed out, but besides that, nothing. What do you like about me?" He murmurs, one of his arms thrown around my tanktop that's riding up a little as I lie on my back.

"I will, I promise. What do I like about you?" I murmur, my hand self-conciously leading themselves to you with his curls. "I like the way you talk in the morning, your smile and when your dimples pop out when you smile widely, your eyes, your cheesiness.." I bop his nose before pressing a kiss to it.

"Everything." I add softly, grinning as he looks upside down at me, his head now resting on my stomach. "Mmm but I could go without the threats of leaving."

"Oh don't worry, I won't be leaving you anytime ever." He laughs heartily, puckering his lips and attempting to reach mine. I laugh, leaning down enough his peck his lips again.

"Good. By the way, is there..any way you could sleep with me from now on so I don't get my nightmares?" I murmur, my eyes locked on the ceiling. I can feel his gaze burn into me, daring me to look at him again.

"Of course. I wasn't planning on going back to my empty old bed anyway," he smiles, finally causing me to give in to look at his dimple-ridden face. Just looking at him makes me happy, just a inner giddiness that I've only found to be either a childlike playfulness or a expression of true love. Both of these relate to Harry equally.

••Kinda Short sorry!

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