Heartache-Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

My bare-feet pad around the livingroom, currently rambling on my phone to Emma as she prys out the details from the previous night.

"I swear, it wasn't like that!" I defend, feeling my cheeks heat up in a blush.

"Yeah, sure it wasnt. How was he? Hot? Of course. How was his body?" She spouts off questions quicker than I can recount. I turn the corner to find Harry also on the phone. I begin to reply to Emma when I overhear Harrys' words.

"Yes, I'll be off rest in a few weeks anyway then I'll be back with all of you. No worries, okay? Nothing will get in the way, gosh. She won't be a interference, I promise." He speaks clearly, his hand jammed down the back neck of his shirt. I freeze at his words, growing deaf to Emma's voice over the phone. I knew it, I knew everything was too good to be true. His career will always come first, no matter how close we become.

"I- got to go, Em." I say simply, ending the call and swallowing down the fear that's been haunting me since he showed back up. I shake my head and emerge from the corner into the den with my arms crossed. "Not an interference? What am I to you, Harry? A conflicting event or something? Do I even mean anything to you?"

He spins quickly, hand still pressing his phone to his ear, other remaining on his neck. "Taylor, no-"

"Stop it- Just stop it now. You already proved you haven't changed, your career comes first, right? Remember when you told me that? Because I do vividly." I spit, tears already flying down my face faster than I bother to wipe them, spluttering over my words. He shakes his head quickly, dropping his phone immediately on the ground and gripping my wrist before I turn completely.

"You're the most important thing to me." He states, desperately trying to hold my gaze. I shake my head fervently, trying to hold in the sobs that threaten.

"I've had enough of broken promises and lies, Harry!" I shout, my voice breaking off. I rip my wrist from his grasp and back into my bedroom, collapsing onto the ground before even reaching the bed. My body racks under my sobbing. I've heard all of his words before, he told be this before he left for the XFactor and I'm sick of the same old thing. I'm sick of the way I can just run back to Harry after what he does and I'm sick of the way I love him! I'm absolutely sick of the way I need him, and how much he can affect me.

Eventually, I fall asleep from exhaustion after I run out of tears.

A pounding knock wakes me from my sleep, finding myself curled up around the fallen duvet on the ground. I glance up and take in my surroundings. Selena's voice comes shrill from behind the door.

"Taylor? Tay! Open the door, please!" Her voice comes through frantically. I stand a little wobbly and cautiously make my way to the door. "How are you? Are you alright?"

"You were right, Sel. He hasn't changed." I whisper, pulling her quickly into a hug before more tears could circulate. She awes into my shoulder and pulls me down to sit with her on the uncovered bed.

She gathers my hands quickly in hers, "No, no. Listen, I was wrong. Harry... Harry's gone, Taylor.." She says. I exhale and let my eyes squeeze shut in pain. Physically and mentally, my heart is hurting.

"I knew he'd leave." I whisper, the words paining me to even say.

"No, you don't get it. He's no where to be found, he hasn't shown up anywhere. There's police downstairs searching for him, apparently he was in the alley on the side of the building because there's blood stains everywhere."

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