Sing For Me-Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Tay," Harrys' voice breaks into my dreams and pulls me to reality. Thank goodness it wasn't a bad dream like the frequent ones I've been having over the span of the last week. Every bad thing you could imagine was packed into that span of dreams, from him cheating to the reoccurring death dream. Something comes with sleeping in Harrys' arms that makes me feel secure. "Baby, wake up." His husky voice cooes.

"Good morning." I whisper, smiling up at him. His hair is now dried and slicks up from my view, strands going almost everywhere. I would hate to see what mine looks like, there's probably curls going everywhere. Not to mention the lack of makeup. I feel the need to just cover my face with my hands and run away, though nothing would will me away from Harrys' arms right now. He looks so gorgeous in the morning too, his skin natural and all. Not a flaw I would change about him in sight.

"Morning, love." He murmurs, stretching out without removing his hand that leaves a warmth imprint on my waist. I touch the heart T tattoo on his lower bicep gently, smiling.

"So this is the infamous T tattoo, I've heard it's getting rumors," I grin, running my thumb over it.

"So you've heard.." He raises his eyebrow as we switch positions, Harry sliding down rest his head in my lap.

"Yes, with the way you've been taunting your fans by saying you're 'so in love' yet not giving them any hints," I roll my eyes, recalling the countless interviews in which he'd mention little things of how he's taken yet giving no details of with who or anything. He was slowly driving his fanbase mad.

"I don't want you getting any hate from it, I care too much about you to see you go through that."

"That's sweet of you, Har, but don't you think your fans deserve to know who you're dating? They did get you where you are today," I murmur, rolling one of his curls around my finger.

"Okay, here's the deal. You come back to LA with me and we'll go public. Interview, walk, show, anything you want. Come with me, please." He urges, sitting up and pushing me so I'm sitting on the dock, my legs overlapping his where my feet rest at his waist.

"I don't know," I mumble. I've never been out of the UK and a trip seems so far fetched right now.

"Just for two weeks until the tour starts, please!" He pleads, framing my face in his hands. They are so much bigger than mine that they take up much of my neck and cheeks.

I weigh my situations and sigh. There's nothing i'd rather do than spend as much time as I can with him before his tour and this seems like the best opportunity.

"Okay," I laugh, and he falls backward and shouts a exasperated 'YES' into the trees before popping back up with a dimple-lit smile.

"I have a song to play you." he states simply, his smile not diminishing. He stands and returns from inside the boathouse with a guitar, probably one he left with the picnic basket from last night. "Okay, I wanted to write a song so I forced this together and it isn't finished and I just have the chorus but it's a song called No Matter What."

He begins strumming hard on the chords, starting from the chorus;

"Please, please, please

Don't tell me you're giving up on me, me, me

I'll always be coming back to you, back to you, whatever I do

So baby believe it, whatever I do I'll be back to you,

No matter what."

"Please correct it." He bursts out in laughter after an awkward silence lasts when he suddenly stops playing and everything cuts silent. I laugh and take the guitar and situate in my lap.

I immediately get to work and start strumming. Back in school, I did write and sing, but I stopped since then. It just kinda faded out of my life. The only time I wrote was at the tree and only time I sang was to myself in the shower.

"Well, first of all, it'd be better as a slow song like;

Oh, please, why do you have to leave?

Say you're givin' up on me

Haven't you learned that no matter how much it hurts,

I'll be coming back to you because no matter what I do, I'll be coming back to you.

No matter what, oh, no matter what I do, it will always be you."

His mouth hangs open as I slowly realize that I was totally getting into the song. That burst even surprised myself, the words just came flowing out without a second thought. He advances toward me, smiling widely.

"Taylor, you're amazing, you could be famous with this! Preform with me, please! You just made that up in a matter of seconds!" He gawps and I instinctively back up. Music was not something I was suppose to open up to people. I did it without thinking and now he wants me to sing... in front of people? No, no, I couldn't do that. That would not end well.

"N-no, I couldn't. I don't sing-" I stutter, suddenly defensive.

"Oh you dont? What was that?" He asks, putting an arm around the small of my back so I don't fall off the docks edge. I had backed up a little too much.

"I-I was just singing!"

"And you totally love it! You got so into it that you felt what you were singing emotionally!" He narrows our faces until they graze slightly.

"Harry.. I cant.." I whimper, suddenly every weakness causing me to open every barrier that's ever been closed between us. I feel completely exposed of my feelings, every guard I've tried to build up just to crumble under Harrys' accusations. He softens his gaze and pulls me into a hug, one that makes me feel like a little girl belittled by her dad or bigger brother.

"You don't have to, babe. I'm not forcing you to do anything, I'm just telling you that you are so talented. If you won't sing for anyone else, please sing for me more," He whispers, pecking his lips to my cheek. I nod and release the breath I didn't realize I was holding. "How'd you learn how to play?"

He asks, opening the whole, long conversation that nobody has asked of before. And somehow, I feel assured telling him about it..

(3/3 Updates Today)

That song was horrible bc I tried to make up lyrics, sorry. Ehh.

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