July 9th, 2028
Today me and the boy talked a lot.... About things that we used to do "and I also did practice-" the nurse walked in and interrupted me "YOU TWO! GET OUT! NEW PARENTS! GO!" Me and the boy looked at each other "do we have the same parent?" I questioned she looked impatient "NO! NOW GO!" I looked at the boy and passed him a picture of me as I walked away and said "don't forget me!" He nodded and walked with me... As I met my parents they seemed nice and kind so I waved bye to the boy as I thought (I never knew his name!) I pulled away from my new parents and ran to him and asked "hey what's your name?" He looked up and smiled "Sabastian" I smiled and hugged him then ran back to my parents I looked up at them and said "hi.... What should I I'm call you guys?" The smiled and looked at me "whatever you want" they seemed so nice...July 20th 2029
It's been a while... Im now 16 years old... I still remember Sebastian but I have no clue where he is. My "new" parents are never here I always have to take care of the cat... EVEN THOUGH IM ALLERGIC! This life sucks I kinda liked it better at the orphanage...July 21, 2029
I got a phone call... it was a guy but he was in a bad place he told me to meet him at a store... WEIRD I mean I'm going to go but... i REALLY hope it's Sebastian i still remember him clearly... i Hope HIS life HAS been better than mine... i mis him so much... I looked over at my shrine for my mom and pictures of me and Sebastian it made me cry... gosh... I'm crying even now, IM GONNA GET MY JOURNAL WET NOOOOOOOOOOOO
Teen Fictionhi so this is my first "wattpad" story i have written many before but never shared with others. This story is about a girl who lost her mother here... i will give you a preview... "Hello? Nurse Sarah?" she looked around the room searching for the nu...