Within the fourteen hours they drove the next day, Kel learned a lot about Brandon.
They reminisced about their own childhood games like Heads-Up Seven-Up and tether-ball. Kel explained how at her elementary school she had been the best player at tether-ball because she was tallest and could swoop the ball over her opponent's head. Brandon told her about the sandlot he, his brothers, and some other their school buddies would go to after school and play ball in. He admitted that that's what he thought about when he got too angry because it calmed him down. Kel noted that something about his childhood scared him but also soothed him. Almost like a drug.
They bickered about old 1980's movies and Disney characters. Kel had a thing for Ariel and Brandon said that she was whiny, which upset Kel but she got over it. They discussed hobbies and cultural backgrounds. Kel learned that Brandon was of Greek and Italian decent. His mother was a mix of Italian and Swedish while his dad was a full Greek. He told her about how his mother knew everything and anything there is to know about cooking. Her Thanksgivings were legendary. His father was the one to teach him how to carve wood. Growing up, Brandon accompanied him in the backwoods of their home to chop wood. One of his first jobs was working in a lumber yard, in fact. At sixteen he chopped wood to help support his family, even though they didn't really need it. His father was a successful dentist that studied at USC and his mother was a pathologist at their local hospital. They were more than well-to-do folk.
Maybe that's why money never seems to be a problem for him, Kel wondered.
Kel told him about her first job as a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory. She hadn't been there three weeks before accidentally spilling food on someone. She was so embarrassed she quit. Her next job was working as a clerk in a small clothing shop called Dolley. It lasted as long as she stayed with her host parents.
Eventually, she had found her way to being a plus size model. A college friend from MPC had a step mom who worked at Victoria's Secret modeling agency as a recruiter. She got Kel the interview and audition. They said that they liked her eyes and distinguished look so a few weeks later Kel got the confirmation of her new job. It had been nothing but cameras and lingerie since then.
"What did you study in college?" Brandon asked.
"I majored in film. Originally I wanted to write books or be some sort of journalist but it didn't fall through."
"Do you like being a model?"
"I do like it sometimes. I guess I've just gotten used to the atmosphere. Obviously it won't be my job forever."
"So what happens when you decide to move on?"
"I'm not really sure, honestly. I always told myself that I would cross that bridge when I got to it. But I think that bridge is on my horizon."
"You said you liked writing. Have you ever tried?"
"Yes, I have a few things down. They're just dabbles though. Little scenes I created. They probably are no good." She chuckled and added, "They're all in my junk drawer at home."
"Well I am an English major. I could read them over?"
"I don't know..."
"What's wrong?"
"It's just a little embarrassing. No one has ever read them before."
"I'm pretty open minded with these things. But it's fine. No one is making you do anything you don't want to do."
She thought about it, but cringed at the idea of someone reading her stories.
The drive went on with the tune of the radio and idle chit chat between them. Once they were out of Illinois, it was onto Iowa and Nebraska. Kel favored Nebraska the least.
"There is nothing but dirt here!" She exclaimed.
Brandon learned a lot about Kel by just being next to her, taking in her contrary remarks. She liked color. The dirt plains of Nebraska and constant corn fields bored her. She liked variety and shape. When she got bored with the ground she looked to the sky. She pointed out pictures in the clouds and gave them names. Whenever people were around she made up their stories and gave them identities. Brandon could see why she liked to write. Kel was good at playing pretend and improvisation.
He liked listening to her sing along with the radio but flat out refused to join her. They talked about books they liked and favorite oddities. He found out that her favorite food was spaghetti and her favorite color was hot pink. She discovered that he liked spicy food and the color orange. But given a choice, he would chose blue over orange because he didn't want to be ostentatious.
At around three they stopped for lunch. He bought her spaghetti from an Italian restaurant and grinned when she got sauce on her chin.
A handful of hours later they stopped at a small hotel in Colorado. Small but clean. They got their key and headed to the room.
It was all a little surreal to Kel. Not in a million years would she have guessed that she would be in Colorado of all places with a man like Brandon. She thought about what a mother might say about her situation. She imagined that she would be worried for her or upset with her. And Kel would try to explain that everything was okay and Brandon was not going to hurt her. She would tell her that he was a good guy and that she really liked him. That maybe she liked him too much though...
"How's that tailbone?" He asked her as he put his luggage and her boxes along the wall.
Kel rubbed her backside. "Bruised but better." She had been popping Advil all day. "I'm going to take a shower."
That night they watched the news and sat together on one of the twin sized beds eating licorice Brandon had gotten at a gas station nearby. The main story was of a child being kidnapped in Denver.
"I hate seeing things like this happen," Kel said sadly. "I can't imagine what his parents must be feeling."
"I know. It happens all the time," he replied.
"It shouldn't. It's a horrible feeling to be taken away from your family."
Brandon looked at her ruefully. "Do you want to have kids?"
She smiled and nodded. "My biggest fear in the entire world is if a doctor told me that I couldn't be able to have kids...I've never told anyone that before."
"Not even your sister?"
"No...but I know she feels strongly about it too."
"Must be a woman thing."
"Don't you want kids?"
"I do, eventually. I kinda always wanted a girl."
Kel smiled at him. "You do?"
He nodded looking at the television screen. He didn't have to say anything else to her. She thought it was sweet of him.
On the other hand, she was a little surprised at the turn of the conversation. Why did she feel all buttered up all of the sudden at the mention of his future child? This wasn't usually something that just came up between a man and a woman unless they were planning ahead.
"I think I'm going to bed," Kel said. She got off of his bed and crawled into her own. "Goodnight."
Kel could have kissed him goodnight. She probably could have even crawled under the cover next to him and he wouldn't have minded. But their previous conversation had thrown her off slightly and she didn't want to come off as presumptuous.
Brandon wanted to kiss her. He wanted all of her. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so at ease with someone, where he could be himself. Actually, he could. And he'd married her. But look at how great that turned out. As hard as he tried to convince himself otherwise, he couldn't deny that he wanted to be with her. But reality stepped in and reminded him that she would be gone soon and everything would be back to normal.
"Goodnight," he answered and turned out the light.
The Smell of Lilies
RomanceLost in Chicago, cold and numb, Kel sits at a bar with her self-pity. She replays the last 16 hours in her head over and over again and thinks, why me? All she really wants right now is for someone to find her. Anybody. And as fate has it, her wish...