Chapter 1:Home •

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"Beep! Beep! " I heard my alarm clock ringing.

Without opening my eyes I sleepily banged my hand on the clock making it turn off.

"Another great day," I sarcastically mumbled to myself.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched. My eyes popped open as I ran to the other side of the room.

"Wake up sleeping beauty!" I pushed Ella, my sister, off her bed.

"What the hell Infinity! What do you want?" The seventeen year old snarled.

"It's Tuesday, and yesterday you didn't take me to school! I need to go!" I whined.

"Fine, but be quiet because yesterday mom and dad got in a fight," Ella rolled her eyes.

Saying my life was a living hell may sound exaggerated, but in reality it was.

My mom was usually shaking her ass in a strip club, while my dad was probably dealing or doing drugs. My parents are usually short on money so they're always getting in fights over it.

I finished getting ready for school and walked out of Ella's and I's bedroom onto the living room.

I found my mom laying on the couch clicking through the few channels on the T.V.

"Do you want breakfast?" My mother's words caught me by surprise.

"Uh, sure. What did you make?" I smiled hoping it was something tasty.

My mom snorted, "Oh Infinity, you know I don't cook, I ain't your maid, cook something and leave some for me!"

I rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen.

After I finished making 5 scrabbled eggs, I took one and quickly ate it.

I then left the rest of the eggs on a plate for my mother. I quickly got my backpack, which has been the same since the fourth grade, and ran out of my home.

My sister walked me to school, and luckily, I arrived at my homeroom ten minutes early.

As I walked in, my teacher, Mrs.Bell, smiled at me.

"Infinity,dear, why were you absent yesterday?" Mrs.Bell asked politely.

"Uh, I-I didn't have a-anyone to bring me," I nervously said.

"I'm gonna have to inform the office, you're constantly being absent. This can't be happening every week, you need to attend school everyday. The C.P.S will probably be at your home after school," Mrs.Bell informed me.

As soon as school ended I ran back home to warn my sister about C.P.S.

"Ella, Ella!" I ran towards my room out of breath.

"Yeah?" My sister asked not looking at me.

"C.P.S is going to come!" I exclaimed.

"What? Why?" Ella snarled.

"My teacher informed the office I'm constantly absent!" I huffed annoyed.

"This is why I dropped out!" Ella exclaimed as she got out a luggage and started packing.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I asked, well more like yelled.

"I'm running away, duh!" She rolled her eyes.

"What,Why? You need to stay with me, you can't leave me alone!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.

"Infinity, I'm almost eighteen years old, enough to live on my own, don't worry I'll come back for you, I promise," Ella hugged me as tears rolled down her face.

"Here, keep it, and always wear it," Ella gave me a necklace with a red infinity sign.

She then looked at me with sad eyes and jumped out the window.

1 year later

As I packed all my belongings I found myself holding a red box.

I opened it and found the necklace my sister had given me. I put it on and sadly sighed.

After my parents death, today I was being transferred to an orphanage.

After running away from many foster homes, I was being sent to a much horrible place known as an orphanage.

"Can't wait to get in more trouble," I smirked to myself as I finished packing.

"This is going to be a hell of a new life," I thought as I excited the foster home.

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