Stiles Stilinski x Reader

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"Y/N watch out!" Scott shouted before Liam jumped at you. "Y/N!" Stiles ran against Liam to get him off of you. It didn't work. He groaned in pain. His shoulder visibly hurt now. Scott removed Liam from on top of you by being a true Alpha. Liam left a scratch on your arm. It was bleeding but not that deep. You were still lying on the ground when Stiles came up to you worried. "Are you, are you okay? What did he do to you? Are you hurt? Oh shit." He saw the scratch. "I'm gonna kick his ass." Suddenly Stiles was about to get up and try to fight Liam who was himself again now. "Stiles no. Come here." You got up from the ground standing in front of him grunting a little. "Don't worry about me. Let's take a look at your shoulder." "It's nothing. Your wound is way worse. I'll bring you home." He stated walking up to the werewolves. "I'll bring her home." Stiles gave Liam a glare that could kill an army. "Stiles you don't have to do that. It's just a scratch." You couldn't convince him to not drive you home so you just let him do it. When you entered your house he followed you. Quickly you walked up the stairs into you room with him still right behind you. "Stiles. What is it?" You ask a little annoyed now. "What?" "Why are you following me into my room? You said you'd bring me home not into my room." "I'm making sure you're okay." "Stiles I am okay! I'm fine! It is just a freakin' scratch for God's sake!" You yelled at him this time. "Okay. Well, seems like I'm unwanted here. I, I'm just, I'll just go now." Sadly he lowers his head walking out of the door that leads to your room. Ugh. You can't stand seeing him like that. You feel guilty. "Stiles wait." You say sighing. Sluggishly you get up from your bed and go after him grabbing his wrist while you two stand in the hallway. You turn him around. "What? I thought I'm just annoying." "Naawh Stiles! You are not annoying!" You speak up a little bit. Sighing again you let go of his wrist. "Oh come on. I'm just an annoying bug following you around. Although that stupid bug loves you and that's why it's worried about you and that stupid scratch. But for you that bug is just annoying!" Stiles shouted at you. "D-did you just say you love me?" "Yeah. Yeah I do. But like I said, I'm just the annoying bug." "You are an annoying bug. But you are my annoying bug. And you know what? I love my annoying bug. No matter how annoying it is." You wrapped your hands around his neck pulling him into a passionate kiss. "I'm sorry the annoying bug didn't get that. What did you just say?" "I love you. You stupid bug. Now let me take a look at your shoulder or I'll squish you, bug."

Dylan O'Brien Imagines Where stories live. Discover now