Stuart Twombly x Reader

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Stuarts P.o.V.
"Look who's coming." Neha whispers grinning like crazy when you stand at the counter where you can get food for free. I turn around and see (Y/N). Immediately I turn back to Neha avoiding eye contact with (Y/N). She is stunning. I've never met someone before that interests me as much as she does. But I already screwed it up. I embarrassed myself everytime I tried to talk to her. That's why I constantly avoid her gaze. "Come on Stuart! You can do this!" "Nope! Not again. I mean, let me sum up: First try: I walked away after saying 'Hey'. Second try: I didn't even talk I just stared at her. Third try: I stuttered like a broken CD."
"Don't you notice the way she always looks at you? She's just waiting for you to finally make a move!" Neha states matter-of-factly. "No. She could have, like, any guy she wants."
Neha is just about to say something when suddenly a female voice appears from behind me. I turn around and face a smiling (Y/N). "Hey Stuart. How's it going with the competition?" She asks. I notice Neha leaving me alone when the nervousness spreads inside of my body.
Your P.o.V.
Stuart stands in front of you blushing. And you thought you were nervous! You aren't even an intern. You work at Google but your only one or two years older than most of the interns. You are supposed to watch their work a little bit. What the interns do and how they do that. When you met Stuart you instantly liked him. But he can't seem to talk to you. He's such a nerd but that's so adorable. "The...the competition? Umm." He stutters nervously. "Stuart you know what? I think we should talk in private. Maybe you can talk then." "What?" "Stuart..." You sigh before grabbing his beanie and walking out of the room. Stuart quickly follows you while you put his beanie on. "Now you have to talk to me Stuart." Stressing the 'have' You turn around and look at him. "Just do something and you'll get your beanie back." You smirk at him before turning around again and running away towards the place of his team with their computer. The place is empty. The others seem to be somewhere else. He begins running after you. "That's not fair!" He yells. When you arrive at their place you sit down on the red couch. Stuart places himself in front of the couch. With both hands you hold onto the beanie on your hand. "You heard me Stuart." "I...I..." He stutters again although you thought this would have calmed him down a bit. With a tensed jaw he looks away for a second before mumbling something. In the next moment he bends down and crashes his soft lips gently against yours while pushing you into a lying position on the couch and hovering above you. Quickly he parts from you and stands up again. You do too before looking at him. He scratches his neck and turns around his back facing you. "I'm so unbelievably sorry (Y/N). I...I don't know what I-" He stops when you take off the beanie and put it back on its owners head. Stuart turns to you with a surprised look on his face. "Mission accomplished." You state grinning before pulling him into a kiss. Suddenly someone applauds behind you two. Stuart parts from you and yells "Go away you're destroying it!" You laugh and see Neha leaving with a smile on her lips. Stuart looks at you while his hands rest on your hips. "'ve got a thing for boys in glasses?" "Actually just for one boy in glasses." You smirk at him before he kisses you once again.

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