Let Me Explain

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I just stood there utterly confused. What is happening right now? I've never met any of them in person until this very moment. Elijah's either drunk off his mind or he knows something that I don't.  

Elijah said he wanted to talk with me and Rebekah privately, so Hayley left the room and he proceeded to explain this weird situation.  

"I'm guessing you are confused right now" Elijah started. "To put it bluntly, I knew your mother. I've been watching over you ever since she left."  

"You what? Why didn't you take me in or something? Do you even now what I went through?" I questioned.  

"In my defence,I was going to but before I could even get out of my house I ended up with a stake in my chest and locked in a coffin for quite some time."  

These people have serious family issues I tell you...  

"Brother just answer me this, is she really Klaus's daughter?" Rebekah asked  

"Yes, and she is going to live with us from now on. We are going to make up for all those years she lived alone in the world" Elijah said  

"Couldn't be more happy!" Rebekah said flashing a true smile.  

"Ok so I suppose you wouldn't mind to tell me all about this phony king Marcel right?" I said.  

"Sure, Klaus and Marcel go way back when Klaus saved him from being whipped, since he was a slave at the time. We took him in and treated him as our son. During that time we were building New Orleans; but there was an alert that our father was coming to get us, so we left without saying anything. Now several years later Klaus returns in search to make New Orleans his but instead he encounters with Marcel as the king, currently we are in a fight with Marcel over New Orleans. Defeating him is quite difficult since he has an army of vampires at his side along with Davina, a young witch who has the power of another three witches that died. I think you've heard that witches aren't allowed to do magic, it is mainly because Davina can track them and get them killed, and there are also no werewolves allowed in this town whatsoever because Marcel pushed them into the brink of extinction. Now I'm guessing you are wondering where Hayley comes into this story, she is carrying Klaus's child, in other words you are having a sister or brother. I thought that having a child would redeem Klaus but it's made him more blood lusted than ever wanting to protect his own flesh and blood. Unfortunately we weren't able to see that until a few days ago" Elijah finished.  

"And let me guess got Klaus mad" I thought out loud

"You have that right" Rebekah mumbled.  

"But here's the bit I don't get, does Klaus know I exist?" I asked  

"No, he doesn't. Your mother left him but never told him she was pregnant" Elijah replied.  

Gee, way to go mom. 

"Also I would like to request a favour from you" Elijah said.  

"For you anything" I said, of course I meant it. They are my family after all.  

"Help us take New Orleans back, I'm sure that now that you are here Klaus will remember the joy and power that family can bring" Elijah finished.  

"Oh, you didn't even have to ask, I was already planning on doing it" I smiled.  

"I just realized something; we are having 3 Klaus's in one house. Oh dear god, I'll be right back I think I'm going to throw up" - Rebekah said excusing herself while Elijah and I just laughed.    


1:00 am  

Elijah and I were determined to wait for Klaus to come home so that we could explain everything but for some reason he wasn't home yet. Since I was tired I fell asleep on the couch but Elijah promised to wake me up the second Klaus came back.  

I started hearing voices so I eventually woke up to find Elijah and Klaus arguing; fortunately they didn't notice that I had woken up. I could hear them but their voices where quite muffled.  

"I come home to find a pregnant werewolf with my child, I go out again and when I return you greet me with a long lost daughter that I had no idea about. Elijah I just want you to know that I did not donate my sperm to a sperm bank" Klaus said.  

"Niklaus, this girl is your legitimate child. She grew up with a mother that didn't love her and abandoned her at the age of 14, since then she has been traveling all over the world looking for us and learning how to use her powers to be useful to you. She wants a father Niklaus, she knew about your existence the whole time and the mere thought that you were out there was what kept her going all those years" Elijah replied.   "If that's the case she had a pretty shitty mother" Klaus mumbled "her name" he finished.   

"Her name is Zara, her mother's name… Victoria Zedler" Elijah said.  

"Interesting, I always knew she wasn't mother material" Klaus said.  

At this point I decided to but into the conversation since I wanted to make a good impression on my father, I wanted his approval.  

"She wasn't" I said.  

"Sleepyhead, I see that you are up" He replied.  

"It was a long trip, I was tired" I said.  

"Where were you before coming here, may I ask?" Elijah said.  

"Bulgaria" I said casually, it was true after all.  

"So you knew who I was, what I've done to my family and people around me and that I dagger people for angering me and you still came to meet me?" Klaus questioned.  

"Why wouldn't I? I am your daughter after all. I am no saint myself and as for the dagger bit, I better not get on your bad side then" I replied with a smug smile.  

"See? She's just like you" Elijah said.  

"Let's hope not, because if that's the case I might even dagger her myself" Klaus replied laughing.  

"Welcome to the family my love" he finished, embracing me with a hug. 

 I can already feel that this is the best choice I ever made.   


Hi again! I know that Klaus seems a little out of character but I decided to give him a little "protective loving daddy" characteristics for the sake of the story of course Klaus will only act that way towards her.  

I love you all and please keep reading!  

I love you my Beta you are amazing!

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